(陕西省气象台,西安 710014; 秦岭和黄土高原生态环境重点实验室,西安 710016;西安市气象局,西安 710016)
Evolution Characteristics of Two Down-to-Hill Thunderstorms at the Northern Foot of Qinling Mountains
CHEN Xiaoting,ZHAO Qiang,GAO Yuxing,XIAO Yiqing
(Shaanxi Meteorological Observatory, Xi’an 710014; Key Laboratory of Eco-Environment and Meteorology for the Qinling Mountains and Loess Plateau, Xi’an 710016; Xi’an Meteorological Bureau, Xi’an 710016)
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中文摘要: 2018年7月26日和29日,秦岭北麓雷暴下山形成阵风锋并均在关中平原造成强对流天气,雷暴下山后强度、移动速度以及影响范围差异大,预报难度大。利用多源观测资料及ERA5再分析资料分析这两次过程(分别简称为7·26过程和7·29过程)的差异及成因。结果显示:7·26过程雷暴组织化程度高、生命史长、冷池小时最大变温为16℃,产生大范围短时强降水和雷暴大风;7·29过程以孤立普通单体的生消为主,冷池小时最大变温为8℃,仅造成秦岭沿山局地短时强降水。7·26 过程发生在副热带高压西北侧,中低层暖平流发展使不稳定能量增长,关中平原上升运动及北山地形抬升为雷暴移入后发展加强提供了有利的动力条件;7·29过程发生在副热带高压南侧,关中平原以下沉运动为主,不利于雷暴移入后进一步发展加强。7·26过程阵风锋移动方向与边界层风向相反,又与风暴承载层平均风向相同,有利于对流垂直发展,对流发展过程中低层垂直风切变逐步增大,与冷池强度保持同步增长;7·29过程阵风锋移动方向和边界层风向相同,低层辐合弱,整个过程中0~3 km风矢量差始终不足5 m·s-1,不利于对流组织化发展。特殊地形对冷池的移动方向及强度产生了影响:7·26 过程强的西南出流使冷池呈东北—西南狭长带状沿平原南边界向东北推进,冷池势力集中,移速快,强的辐合触发新对流发展;7·29过程冷池在黄土台塬地形过渡区扩散传播,东南风和西南风出流使对流分裂,冷池强度减弱,不利于新对流触发。
Abstract:On 26 July 2018 (shortly for “7·26”) and 29 July 2018 (shortly for “7·29”), the gust front formed by the cold outflow caused severe convective weather in the Guanzhong Plain, but their intensities, moving speeds and impact ranges were quite different. The difference characteristics and main reasons of the two down-to-hill thunderstorms are analyzed by using the ERA5 reanalysis data and multiple observation data. The results show that the “7·26” thunderstorm was highly organized, with a long lifespan and the maximum temperature change of 16℃·h-1 within the cold pool, thus resulting in a wide range of short-time severe rainfall and thunderstorm gale. By contrast, the “7·29” storm was dominated by isolated thunderstorm cells, and the maximum temperature change of the cold pool was 8℃·h-1, which only caused the localized short-time severe rainfall along the Qinling Mountains. The “7·26” thunderstorm occurred on the northwest side of the subtropical high, the warm advection development of the middle and low layers increased the unstable energy, the upwelling movement in Guanzhong Plain and the uplift effect of the topography of Beishan provided favorable dynamic conditions for the development of thunderstorms after they moved in. However, the “7·29” storm occurred on the south side of the subtropical high and the downdraft in Guanzhong Plain was not conducive to the development of convection after the storms move in. The moving direction of the “7·26” gust front was opposite to the wind direction in the bounary layer, but parallel to the average wind direction of the storm bearing layer, which was beneficial to the convection vertical development. The low-level vertical wind shear strengthened gradually, increasing synchronously with the strength of cold pool in the course of convection development. The movement direction of the “7·29” gust front was the same as the wind direction of the boundary layer, the low-level convergence was weak, and the 0-3 km wind vector difference was always less than 5 m·s-1 during the whole process, which was not conducive to the development of convection.The special terrain affected the movement direction and intensity of the cold pool. The strong southwest outflow during the “7·26” process made the cold pool move forward along the southern boundary of the plain in a narrow strip from southwest to northeast, the cold pool was concentrated and moved fast, and the strong convergence triggered the development of new convection. During the “7·29” process, the cold pool spread in the terrain transition area of the loess tableland, and the outflow of southeast wind and southwest wind split the convection. The intensity of the cold pool was constantly weakened, which was not favourable for the development of new convection.
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CHEN Xiaoting,ZHAO Qiang,GAO Yuxing,XIAO Yiqing,2023.Evolution Characteristics of Two Down-to-Hill Thunderstorms at the Northern Foot of Qinling Mountains[J].Meteor Mon,49(8):932-945.