(山东省气象科学研究所,济南 250031; 山东省人民政府人工影响天气办公室,济南 250031;山东省气象台,济南 250031)
Evolution Characteristics of Raindrop Size Distribution of Landfalling Typhoon Rumbia (2018)
WANG Jun,CONG Chunhua,WANG Hong,ZHANG Qiuchen
(Shandong Institute of Meteorological Sciences, Jinan 250031; Shandong Weather Modification Office, Jinan 250031;Shandong Meteorological Observatory, Jinan 250031)
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投稿时间:2021-09-06    修订日期:2022-05-19
中文摘要: 利用河南商丘、山东肥城和寿光、辽宁旅顺和长海5个观测点的Parsivel型降水天气现象仪观测资料,分析了2018年登陆台风温比亚深入内陆后的雨滴谱演变特征,主要结果为:商丘、肥城和寿光不同雨强的平均雨滴谱类似,小雨滴浓度较高、大雨滴浓度偏低,部分平均谱具有平衡雨滴谱特征;旅顺和长海的平均雨滴谱则相反,小雨滴浓度较低、大雨滴浓度偏高,平均雨滴谱具有冰相控制雨滴谱特征。商丘、肥城和寿光的雷达反射率-雨强(Z-R)关系类似,旅顺和长海的Z-R关系类似,这两者的指数有较大差异,表明降水的微物理特征有明显不同。雨滴谱参数分布显示,商丘、肥城和寿光对流降水具有海洋性对流降水雨滴谱特征,云中微物理过程主要是碰并增长为主的暖雨过程,以及暖雨-冰相混合过程;旅顺和长海的对流降水具有大陆性对流降水雨滴谱特征,云中微物理过程主要以暖雨-冰相混合和冰相两类为主。表明“温比亚”在河南、山东虽然不断受冷空气的影响,云中微物理特征没有明显变化,但减弱成温带气旋后在辽宁沿海的云中微物理过程发生了显著改变。
Abstract:Based on the observation of Parsivel disdrometer at Shangqiu Station in Henan Province, Feicheng and Shouguang stations in Shandong Province, Lushun and Changhai stations in Liaoning Province, the raindrop size distributions of Typhoon Rumbia after landfall in 2018 are analyzed. The results show that Shangqiu, Feicheng and Shouguang stations have the similar characteristics of the average raindrop size distribution at different rain intensities with high concentration of small raindrops and low concentration of large raindrops, and part of the average drop size distributions have the characteristics of balanced raindrop size distributions. On the contrary, the average raindrop size distributions at Lushun and Changhai stations have low concentration of small raindrops and high concentration of large raindrops, and the average raindrop size distribution is controlled by ice phase. The Z-R relation of Shangqiu, Feicheng and Shouguang stations are similar, and the Z-R relation between Lushun and Changhai is similar. There is a great difference in indexes between the two types, indicating that the microphysical characteristics of precipitation are obviously different.The parameter of normalized Gamma distribution of raindrop size distribution shows that the convective precipitations in Shangqiu, Feicheng and Shouguang have the characteristics of maritime raindrop size distribution, and the microphysical processes are mainly of warm rain process, which is dominated by the coalescence growth, and the mixing of warm rain and ice phase. By contrast, the convective precipitations at Lushun and Changhai stations have the characteristics of continental raindrop size distribution, and the microphysical processes are predominated by the ice phase and the mixing of warm rain and ice phase.The above analyses indicate that although the Typhoon Rumbia in Henan and Shandong provinces were affected by cold air continuously, there was no obvious change in the microphysical characteristics, the cloud microphysical process changed significantly after it weakened into an extratropical cyclone.
文章编号:     中图分类号:P412,P458    文献标志码:
WANG Jun,CONG Chunhua,WANG Hong,ZHANG Qiuchen,2022.Evolution Characteristics of Raindrop Size Distribution of Landfalling Typhoon Rumbia (2018)[J].Meteor Mon,48(11):1449-1459.