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(中国气象局旱区特色农业气象灾害监测预警与风险管理重点实验室,银川 750002; 宁夏气象防灾减灾重点实验室,银川 750002; 宁夏回族自治区气象台,银川 750002)
Mesoscale Characteristics of a Local Severe Convective Rainstorm at the Eastern Foot of Helan Mountains
ZHANG Xiaoru,CHEN Yuying,YAO Shanshan,SU Yang,YANG Yin
(Key Laboratory for Meteorological Disaster Monitoring and Early Warning and Risk Management of Characteristic Agriculture in Arid Regions, CMA, Yinchuan 750002; Ningxia Key Laboratory for Meteorological Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, Yinchuan 750002; Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Meteorological Observatory, Yinchuan 750002)
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投稿时间:2021-01-30    修订日期:2021-07-10
中文摘要: 利用Himawari-8卫星、银川C波段多普勒雷达、ERA5逐1 h再分析、自动气象站、常规气象探测等多源气象资料,对2019年8月贺兰山东麓夜间突发的一次局地短历时强对流暴雨的中尺度特征进行分析。结果表明:700 hPa偏南急流于暴雨前6 h建立并在夜间增强北抬,促进了低层高温高湿、大气不稳定和动力、热力抬升机制的发展加强,有利于地面中尺度辐合线在东麓山前触发β中尺度对流系统,并使其增强为α中尺度对流系统,导致此次强对流暴雨的发生发展;暴雨区位于700 hPa 急流轴左前方及700 hPa水汽通量≥6 g·cm-1·s-1·hPa-1和850 hPa比湿≥12 g·kg-1的高湿区,对流有效位能≥1 〖KG-*5〗500 J·kg-1和850 hPa假相当位温≥346 K的高温高能区,800 hPa中心强度≤-1.2 Pa·s-1的上升运动区和冷云发展前端辐射亮温梯度大值区;最大小时降水量出现在急流轴离暴雨区最近时段,期间辐射亮温≤-66℃、辐射亮温梯度≥27℃·km-1、回波强度≥65 dBz、回波顶高≥10 km、垂直累积液态水含量≥11 kg·m-2、≤-52℃冷云面积约为中尺度对流复合体的1/5;辐射亮温越低、辐射亮温梯度越大、降温率越高,小时降水量越大;最低辐射亮温、最大辐射亮温梯度、回波强度和垂直累积液态水含量跃增、回波顶高增幅加大均较强降水提前10~20 min出现,地面中尺度辐合线较降水提前30 min出现。
Abstract:The mesoscale characteristics of a local short-time severe convective rainstorm that occurred at the eastern foot of Helan Mountains in Ningxia in August 2019 are analyzed based on the data from Himawari-8 satellite, C-band Doppler radar, ERA5 hourly reanalysis, automatic weather station and conventional observation data. The results show that the southerly jet at 700 hPa, which was formed 6 h before the rainstorm and strengthened at night, contributed to the high temperature, the high humidity, the enhancement of atmospheric instability and the dynamic and thermal uplift mechanisms in the lower layers of the rainstorm area. It also helped mesoscale ground convergence line to trigger the meso-β scale convective system in the eastern slope of Helan Mountains and strengthen it into meso-α scale convective system, leading to the generation and development of the severe convective rainstorm eventually. The rainstorm occurred in the front-left of jet axis at 700 hPa, the high humidity area with water vapor flux ≥6 g·cm-1·s-1·hPa-1 at 700 hPa and specific humidity ≥12 g·kg-1 at 850 hPa, the high energy area with convective available potential energy (CAPE) ≥1 〖KG-*5〗500 J·kg-1, the high temperature area with θse ≥346 K at 850 hPa, the vertical upwarding area with central intensity ≤-1.2 Pa·s-1 at 800 hPa, and the front of cold cloud where the large gradient (G) of radiation brightness temperature (TBB) occurred. During the heaviest rainfall period, the jet axis was closest to the rainstorm area, the TBB ≤-66℃, G ≥27℃·km-1, the radar echo intensity (Z) ≥65 dBz, the echo heights (H) ≥10 km, the vertical integrated liquid water (VIL) ≥11 kg·m-2, and the area of the cold cloud below -52℃ was about 1/5 of mesoscale convective complex. The lower the TBB, the large the G, the higher the cooling rate and the more the hourly precipitation. The minimum TBB, the maximum G, the leap of Z and VIL, and the increase of echo height appeared 10-20 min earlier than the maximum rainfall, and the mesoscale ground convergence line appeared 30 min earlier than the rainfall.
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Author NameAffiliation
ZHANG Xiaoru Key Laboratory for Meteorological Disaster Monitoring and Early Warning and Risk Management of Characteristic Agriculture in Arid Regions, CMA, Yinchuan 750002
Ningxia Key Laboratory for Meteorological Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, Yinchuan 750002
Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Meteorological Observatory, Yinchuan 750002 
CHEN Yuying Key Laboratory for Meteorological Disaster Monitoring and Early Warning and Risk Management of Characteristic Agriculture in Arid Regions, CMA, Yinchuan 750002
Ningxia Key Laboratory for Meteorological Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, Yinchuan 750002
Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Meteorological Observatory, Yinchuan 750002 
YAO Shanshan Key Laboratory for Meteorological Disaster Monitoring and Early Warning and Risk Management of Characteristic Agriculture in Arid Regions, CMA, Yinchuan 750002
Ningxia Key Laboratory for Meteorological Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, Yinchuan 750002
SU Yang Key Laboratory for Meteorological Disaster Monitoring and Early Warning and Risk Management of Characteristic Agriculture in Arid Regions, CMA, Yinchuan 750002
Ningxia Key Laboratory for Meteorological Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, Yinchuan 750002
YANG Yin Key Laboratory for Meteorological Disaster Monitoring and Early Warning and Risk Management of Characteristic Agriculture in Arid Regions, CMA, Yinchuan 750002
Ningxia Key Laboratory for Meteorological Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, Yinchuan 750002
ZHANG Xiaoru,CHEN Yuying,YAO Shanshan,SU Yang,YANG Yin,2022.Mesoscale Characteristics of a Local Severe Convective Rainstorm at the Eastern Foot of Helan Mountains[J].Meteor Mon,48(7):801-812.