(河北省气象台,石家庄 050021; 内蒙古呼伦贝尔市气象台,呼伦贝尔 021000)
Analysis on Atmospheric Profiles Retrieved by Microwave Radiometer at Genting Venue of Beijing Olympic Winter Games
KONG Fanchao,LI Jiangbo,WANG Ying
(Hebei Meteorological Observatory, Shijiazhuang 050021; Hulunbuir Meteorological Observatory of Inner Mongolia, Hulunbuir 021000)
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投稿时间:2020-03-24    修订日期:2021-06-07
中文摘要: 利用冬奥会云顶赛场2019年1月22日至3月30日自动站以及张家口探空资料,对微波辐射计反演温湿廓线的精度进行了分析,并结合NCEP/NCAR逐6 h再分析资料探讨了赛场夜间热力、水汽特征及其成因。结果表明:总体上微波辐射计反演温度和水汽密度与自动站、探空观测之间一致性较好,相对湿度略差。微波辐射计反演温度平均误差在各个层次相对不大,可用性较强;水汽密度均方根误差表现为近地面较大,随高度升高而减小;相对湿度平均误差在多数层次上均较大,最大平均误差达到25%。云和降水均会导致温度和水汽密度在大部分高度上误差加大,但降水天气相对湿度误差较晴空和有云天气条件明显减小。进一步研究赛场夜间热力、水汽特征发现,夜间逆温层结构在云顶赛场十分常见,出现概率达到50%,逆温层顶一般在山顶附近或以下,当配合暖平流时,逆温层厚度和温差将大大加强。锋区移过后中低层下沉运动以及中低层暖平流都可能给赛场带来明显的夜间增温。下沉运动主导的增温过程中,微波辐射计参数廓线表现为中低层温度整体升高,低层水汽密度在下沉辐散作用下明显减小。在中低层暖平流主导的增温过程中,增温强度随高度升高而减小,且增温过程表现出明显的增湿现象。
Abstract:Based on the data of microwave radiometer, automatic station and Zhangjiakou Radiosonde from 22 January to 30 March 2019 in the Genting Venue of Winter Olympic Games, the accuracy of retrieved temperature and humidity profile was analyzed, and the characteristics and causes of night heat and water vapor were discussed in combination with the 6 h reanalysis data of NCEP/NCAR. The results show that the temperature and water vapor density retrieved by microwave radiometer have a good correlation with the observations by radiosonde and automatic stations, but that of the relative humidity is slightly poor. The mean error (ME) of temperature retrieved by microwave radiometer is relatively small at all levels, and the availability is strong; the root mean squared error of water vapor density are relatively large near the ground, and decrease with the increase of height; the ME of relative humidity at all levels is large, and the maximum reaches 25%. In addition, cloud and precipitation cause the error of temperature and water vapor density to increase at most heights, but the error of relative humidity with precipitation, at most altitudes, is obviously smaller than that under conditons of clear sky and cloud. Further study on the characteristics of heat and water vapor at night shows that the inversion layer structure at night is very common in the Genting Venue, with a probability of 50%. The inversion layer top is generally near or below the mountain top. When combined with warm advection, the thickness and temperature difference of inversion layer will be greatly enhanced. The warm advection and the subsidence movement in the middle and lower layers behind the cold front may bring obvious night temperature increasing to the venue. In the process of temperature increasing dominated by subsidence movement, the profile of microwave radiometer shows that the temperature in the middle and lower layers increases as a whole, and the water vapor density in the lower layers decreases obviously under the effect of subsidence and divergence. In the warming process dominated by warm advection, the warming intensity decreases with height, and the warming process shows obvious humidification phenomenon.
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KONG Fanchao,LI Jiangbo,WANG Ying,2021.Analysis on Atmospheric Profiles Retrieved by Microwave Radiometer at Genting Venue of Beijing Olympic Winter Games[J].Meteor Mon,47(9):1062-1072.