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投稿时间:2018-12-12 修订日期:2019-10-09
投稿时间:2018-12-12 修订日期:2019-10-09
中文摘要: 采用百分位法和1981—2010年30年逐年日降水量资料,设置了河南省极端暴雨阈值和区域极端暴雨标准,据此选取1981—2016年河南省极端暴雨个例13例,使用欧洲中期天气预报中心1°×1°再分析资料(ERA-Interim)对其环境参数进行分析,发现:表征大气水汽、动力及不稳定条件的环境参数,如850 hPa比湿和涡度、700 hPa垂直速度和V风分量,200 hPa散度、整层可降水量、K指数、0~3 km垂直风切变等,在极端暴雨过程中的平均值远远偏离其气候平均值,上述环境参数对极端暴雨预报有指示意义;环境参数的标准差倍数与降雨量具有较好相关性,二者的分位值基本沿y=x的对角线分布,环境参数标准差倍数分位值≥80%时,对异常降水(降水分位≥90%)有明显正相关;而环境参数标准差倍数分位较低时(<40%),则更多对应了小量级降水。单一环境参数的异常往往不能体现降水异常程度,基于对极端暴雨有明确指示意义的8个环境参数,组建了极端暴雨指数(ERI),经13例极端暴雨个例回代和预报效果评估,ERI≥0.7时,极端暴雨TS评分达35%,漏报率为27%,空报率为49%,可将其作为极端暴雨预报的参考阈值。2018年“温比亚”台风极端暴雨过程中应用表明,该指数对极端暴雨落区预报有较好参考意义。
中文关键词: 极端暴雨指数,环境参数,标准差,窗口密度,分位值
Abstract:Using percentile method and the 1981-2010 daily precipitation data, this paper proposed extreme rainstorm threshold and regional extreme rainstorm standard of Henan Province. Aiming at the selected 13 extreme rainstorm cases in 1981-2016, this paper analyzed the environment parameters of these cases using the ECMWF reanalysis datasets. The results show that the average values of environment parameters such as specific humidity and vorticity at 850 hPa, vertical speed and V wind component at 700 hPa, divergence at 200 hPa, whole-layer precipitatle water, K index and 0-3 km vertical wind shear, which represent the water vapor, dynamics and instability conditions, deviate far from their climatic ave-rage during the extreme rainstorms. This means these environment parameters are instructive to extreme rainstorm forecasting. The standard deviation multiple of environment parameters has good correlations with rainfall, and their quantile values are distributed along the diagonal line. When quantile value of standard deviation multiple of environment parameters is greater than or equal to 80%, it is positively correlated to abnormal precipitation (quantile values ≥90%). However there are more light precipitations when standard deviation multiple of environment parameters is at lower quantile value (<40%). The anomaly of single environment parameter cannot reflect the degree of precipitation anomaly in general. Thus we build the extreme rainstorm index (ERI) based on the eight environment parameters discussed above and also test it with the 13 extreme rainstorm cases. The test results show that the TS, missing rate and false rate are 35%, 27%, 49% respectively when ERI is greater than or equal to 0.7. These values can be used as the reference thresholds for the forecasting of extreme rainstorm. The practical application of ERI during “Rumbia” typhoon extreme rainstorm process indicated that ERI has good reference meaning for the forecast of extreme rainstorm location.
keywords: extreme rainstorm index, environmental parameter, standard deviation, window density, quantile value
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
ZHANG Xia,WANG Xinmin,LI Han,LYU Linyi,2020.Construction and Application of Extreme Rainstorm Index Based on Environmental Parameters[J].Meteor Mon,46(7):898-912.
ZHANG Xia,WANG Xinmin,LI Han,LYU Linyi,2020.Construction and Application of Extreme Rainstorm Index Based on Environmental Parameters[J].Meteor Mon,46(7):898-912.