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Analysis of the July 2019 Atmospheric Circulation and Weather
XIE Jin,ZHOU Ningfang
(National Meteorological Center, Beijing 100081)
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投稿时间:2019-08-29    修订日期:2019-09-09
中文摘要: 2019年7月北半球的大气环流主要特征表现为,极涡呈偶极型分布,较常年同期偏强;欧洲高空冷涡异常偏强,中上旬西太平洋副热带高压位置偏南,下旬北抬。7月全国平均降水量为126.3 mm,较历史常年同期偏多4.7%,江南大部以及西南地区较历史同期显著偏多1倍以上,黄淮、江淮地区降水较常年同期偏少5成以上;全国平均气温为22.1℃,较历史同期略偏高。平均高温日数多于常年同期(4.3 d),达到了5.7 d,华北南部、黄淮、江淮以及南疆等地高温日数显著偏多,山西、辽宁、新疆、广东等地共61站发生极端高温事件。本月内有7次区域性暴雨天气过程,主要出现在我国南方地区,多站出现极端日降水量。共有4个台风生成,接近历史同期水平,只有1个台风登陆我国,较历史同期偏少。
Abstract:The main characteristics of the general atmospheric circulation in July 2019 are shown as follows. There were two polar vortex centers with stronger strength than normal in the Northern Hemisphere. As the 500 hPa geopotential height showed, the cold vortex over Europe was stronger than normal. The western Pacific subtropical high was by south during the first and middle dekads and moved northward during the last dekad of this month. In July, the monthly mean precipitation of China was 126.3 mm, more than the normal by 4.7%. The positive anomaly of precipitation was more than 100% in most regions of Jiangnan and the Southwest China while the negative anomaly of rainfall reached more than 50% in Huanghuai and Jianghuai regions. The monthly mean temperature of China was 22.1℃, which is a little higher than the usual. The mean high temperature days in July were 5.7 d, which is more than the usual (4.3 d). The high temperature days were significantly more than the normal in the south of North China, Huanghuai, Jianghuai and the south of Xinjiang. There were 61 stations where extreme high temperature events occurred and these stations are mostly located in the provinces of Shanxi, Liaoning, Xinjiang and Guangdong. There were seven regional torrential rain processes, most in South China and many stations measured extreme daily precipitation. Four typhoons were generated and only one landed China in July, less than normal.
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XIE Jin,ZHOU Ningfang,2019.Analysis of the July 2019 Atmospheric Circulation and Weather[J].Meteor Mon,45(10):1494-1500.