(中国气象局武汉暴雨研究所,暴雨监测预警湖北省重点实验室,武汉 430205; 武汉中心气象台,武汉 430074)
MCS Classification and Characteristic Analyses of Extreme Short Time Severe Rainfall in Hubei Province
WANG Jue,ZHANG Jiaguo,WU Tao,ZHONG Min,WANG Shanshan,ZHOU Jinlian,HUANG Xiaoyan,HAN Fangrong,WANG Xiaoci
(Hubei Key Laboratory for Heavy Rain Monitoring and Warning Research, Institute of Heavy Rain, CMA, Wuhan 430205; Wuhan Central Meteorological Observatory, Wuhan 430074)
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投稿时间:2018-02-26    修订日期:2019-04-12
中文摘要: 重点利用新一代天气雷达、常规探空和地面中尺度观测等资料,在详细分析湖北省2008—2015年62例极端短时强降水中尺度对流系统演变过程的雷达回波特征基础上,研究归纳了湖北省6类极端短时强降水MCS模态,其中包括4类线状(尾随层状云、平行层状云、后向扩建类、邻近层状云类)和2类非线状(涡旋状类和层状云环绕类)MCS模态。初步研究表明:(1) 4类线状MCS的模态和环境风相对对流线分量的垂直分布与早期的研究结果基本一致。(2)非线状的涡旋状类MCS模态典型特征是大范围层状云降水包裹着螺旋式涡旋对流回波带,多形成于西南涡前切变线附近,主要与西南涡前鄂西山地平原过渡带边界层中尺度涡旋系统的触发和组织有关。(3)湖北省后向扩建类MCS常出现在山脉迎风坡一侧,与中尺度地形对冷池的阻挡、冷池对MCS的组织作用等有关。(4)涡旋状MCS持续时间较长、范围较大,而层状云环绕类MCS维持时间较短。
Abstract:Using the data of CINRAD, conventional sounding and surface observation, the radar echo cha racteristics during the mesoscale convective system (MCS) processes of 62 extreme short time severe rainfalls in Hubei Province during 2008-2015 were analyzed. Six MCS patterns were studied and summarized, including 4 linear patterns (trailing stratiform, parallel stratiform, back building/quasi stationary and training line/adjoining stratiform) and 2 nonlinear patterns (vorticity stratiform and surrounding stratiform). The study reveals that (1) the 4 linear MCS patterns and vertical distribution of ambient wind relative to the convective line component are basically consistent with the results of earlier studies. (2) The typical characteristic of the nonlinear vorticity stratiform MCS is that the spiral vortex convective echo bands are enwrapped by the wide range stratiform cloud rain echo. The vorticity stratiform MCSs are mostly formed near the shear line in front of the southwest vortex, which is mainly related to the triggering and organization of the mesoscale vortex system in the boundary layer over the transitional zone between mountain and plain of western Hubei. (3) The back building/quasi stationary MCSs mostly occur on the windward slope, which is related to the blocking function of the mesoscale terrain and the organizational role of the cold pool. (4) The vorticity stratiform pattern has the longest duration and the largest range, while the surrounding stratiform pattern is the shortest in duration.
文章编号:     中图分类号:P456    文献标志码:
WANG Jue,ZHANG Jiaguo,WU Tao,ZHONG Min,WANG Shanshan,ZHOU Jinlian,HUANG Xiaoyan,HAN Fangrong,WANG Xiaoci,2019.MCS Classification and Characteristic Analyses of Extreme Short Time Severe Rainfall in Hubei Province[J].Meteor Mon,45(7):931-944.