(福建省龙岩市气象局,龙岩 364000; 海峡气象开放实验室,厦门 361012; 福建省厦门市气象局,厦门 361012)
Application of Dual Polarization Weather Radar Products to Severe Convective Weather in Fujian
FENG Jinqin,ZHANG Shenshou,WU Chenfeng,JIANG Fan,WU Xihong
(Longyan Meteorological Office of Fujian Province, Longyan 364000; Laboratory of Straits Meteorology, Xiamen 361012; Xiamen Meteorological Bureau of Fujian Province, Xiamen 361012)
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投稿时间:2017-08-29    修订日期:2018-03-11
中文摘要: 利用高空地面资料和厦门双偏振雷达资料对2016年12月21—22日福建东南部沿海出现的一次冰雹、短时强降水强对流天气过程进行分析。结果表明,21日午后的冰雹天气是在暖区内西南气流暖湿强迫背景下产生的,21日夜里的强降水天气则是斜压锋生类强对流天气。利用双偏振雷达产品可分析出冰雹的相态演变:明显的冰雹特征(ZDR≤0、回波强度≥55 dBz)首先出现在0℃层附近,后向上向下发展,高层出现三体散射现象,但由于干湿球0℃层高度相当,融化层厚度厚,午后地面温度超过20℃,冰雹在下降过程中ZDR、KDP由负值转正值,表明冰雹逐渐融化成大雨滴或外包水膜的冰雹;三体散射回波强度15~20 dBz区域,对应的ZDR出现由负极值到正极值的突变区,CC<0.7,呈现非气象回波的特征。短时强降水对应ZDR、KDP随反射率因子的增大而增大,CC>0.97,说明强降雨是由大量粒子较大的雨滴造成的。
Abstract:Utilizing upper air, surface data and dual polarization weather radar data, a hailstorm and short time severe rainfall weather occurred in the southeast coast of Fujian in 21-22 December 2016 is analyzed. The results show that the hailstorm in the afternoon 21 December is induced by the southwest warm advection forcing sector severe convection. The short time severe rainfall at night is the baroclinic frontogenesis severe convection. We analyze the hail phase state evolution based on the dual polarization weather radar products. The obvious hail features (ZDR≤0, echo intensity ≥55 dBz) appear around 0℃ level height firstly, then develop upward and downward. The TBSS (three body scattering spike) occurs at high level. But because the level of the wet bulb temperature zero (WBZ) is the same as the level of dry bulb temperature zero (DBZ), the melting level of hail is thick. In the afternoon the surface temperature is above 20℃. During the falling process of hails, the values of differential reflectivity (ZDR) and differential phase shift (KDP) change from negative to positive, which shows that the hails melt into big raindrops or outsourcing water film hails. The value ZDR changes from negative extreme to positive extreme and correlation coefficient (CC) is smaller than 0.7 where the area TBSS of echo intensity is 15-20 dBz, which are the characteristics of non meteorological echoes. ZDR and KDP of short time severe rainfall increase with the intensity of reflectivity, and the value of CC is above 0.97, which indicate that a large amount of relatively large sized raindrops are the main cause for this short time severe rainfall.
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FENG Jinqin,ZHANG Shenshou,WU Chenfeng,JIANG Fan,WU Xihong,2018.Application of Dual Polarization Weather Radar Products to Severe Convective Weather in Fujian[J].Meteor Mon,44(12):1565-1574.