(中国气象局武汉暴雨研究所暴雨监测预警湖北省重点实验室,武汉 430205; 武汉中心气象台,武汉 430205)
Study on PM 2.5 Pollution Synoptic Patterns in Hubei Province and Its Connection with Large Scale Circulation in Winter Months
YANG Hao,XU Guanyu,BAI Yongqing,LIU Lin
(Hubei Key Laboratory for Heavy Rain Monitoring and Warning Research, Institute of Heavy Rain, CMA, Wuhan 430205; Wuhan Central Meteorological Observatory, Wuhan 430205)
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投稿时间:2017-09-21    修订日期:2018-07-11
中文摘要: 基于湖北省PM2.5大气成分逐日监测数据和高分辨率气象再分析资料,利用EOF方法对2015—2016年湖北省近两年冬季月份PM2.5的污染分型并分析其天气特征,探讨PM2.5质量浓度与大尺度环流因子相关性,并计算得到海平面气压指数。结果表明:冬季PM2.5质量浓度湖北中部高于东西部,时间序列上存在较大波动,且近两年有明显下降趋势。湖北省冬季PM2.5 EOF前4个特征向量时间系数的方差贡献为86.2%,能够反映PM2.5空间场的主要特征。湖北省PM2.5污染的天气型特征主要有两类:传输型污染和本地累积型,前者造成的PM2.5污染浓度高于后者。传输型分别表现出全区污染、西部污染和中北部污染,全区污染时段湖北近地层以偏北气流为主,有利于将北方地区PM2.5输送到湖北省;西部污染在于偏东气流将东部污染物以及沿海地区水汽输送到湖北省,同时受鄂西山脉的阻挡,污染物在湖北省西部地区聚积;中北部污染表现为东北和西北气流的汇集效应。本地累积型在静稳天气条件和地形共同作用下造成湖北东部污染和中南部污染。三种传输型污染物输送通道分别为北路输送、东路输送和东北路输送。东亚冬季风系统的高层东亚大槽和低层大陆冷高压减弱时,PM2.5质量浓度增加。关键区的海平面气压相关指数与湖北省PM2.5质量浓度和EOF第一模态时间系数相关性较好,对预报预测有一定指示意义。
Abstract:Based on the PM2.5 air quality monitoring data of Hubei Province in winter months during 2015-2016, the PM2.5 mass concentration is classified by EOF method and its synoptic patterns are analyzed. The correlation between PM2.5 and large scale circulation is discussed and correlation index with SLP is established. The results show that the PM2.5 mass concentration in central part of Hubei is higher than in the easten and westen parts. There are large fluctuations in the PM2.5 time series and a downward trend in the recent two years. Four distinguished modes of PM2.5 are clarified, which can explain over 86.2% of the variance. The synoptic patterns are transmission type and local accumulated type. The PM2.5 mass concentration of transmission type is higher than the other one. The transmission type presents pollution in the whole region, pollution in the west and pollution in the north central, respectively. Northerly airflow dominates Hubei during the whole region pollution, bringing PM2.5 from northern China. For the west region pollution of transmission type, the pollutions and moisture are carried to western Hubei by east winds and the western Hubei mountain makes the pollutions accumulate in this area. The north central region pollution shows a collection effect of northeast and northwest wind. The local accumulated type pollution in eastern Hubei and south central Hubei are under the common cause of static weather condition and terrain. The transporting paths of three transmission type pollution are the north path, east path and northeast path.With the decrease of high level East Asia trough and low level cold continental high pressure, PM2.5 mass concentration increases. The correlation index with the sea level pressure is closely related to the PM2.5 mass concentration and the first EOF mode time coefficient which has certain significance for pollution forecasting.
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基金项目:国家重点研发计划(2016YFC0203304)、国家自然科学基金项目(91637211和41375057) 及湖北省气象局科技发展基金项目(2017C05)共同资助
YANG Hao,XU Guanyu,BAI Yongqing,LIU Lin,2018.Study on PM 2.5 Pollution Synoptic Patterns in Hubei Province and Its Connection with Large Scale Circulation in Winter Months[J].Meteor Mon,44(11):1454-1463.