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投稿时间:2018-07-24 修订日期:2018-08-02
投稿时间:2018-07-24 修订日期:2018-08-02
中文摘要: 2018年6月环流特征如下:北半球高纬地区极涡呈单极型分布且偏强,亚洲中高纬度为两槽一脊环流形势,槽脊强度均强于常年同期;西太平洋副热带高压位置明显偏东,强度略偏强;南海夏季风于6月第二候爆发,较常年偏晚3候且季风槽偏弱。6月全国平均降水量92.9 mm,较常年同期(99.3 mm)偏少6%;全国平均气温为20.9℃,较常年同期(20.0℃)偏高0.9℃。月内共出现4次主要区域性暴雨过程。6月共有3个热带气旋在西北太平洋和南海活动,其中,第四号台风艾云尼3次登陆我国。内蒙古、辽宁、河北北部等地气象干旱持续发展;下旬京津冀地区出现极端高温;全国多个省(区、市)遭受风雹灾害。
Abstract:The main characteristics of the general atmospheric circulation in June 2018 are listed as follows. The polar vortex took the shape of a single pole in the Northern Hemisphere, stronger than in the normal years. In the mid high latitudes of Asia, the circulation presented a two troughs and one ridge pattern, and the troughs and ridge were stronger than their climatological means. The subtropical high lay eastwards obviously, and its intensity was a little stronger than its average state during the corresponding time of the normal years. The South China Sea monsoon bursted in the second pentad of June, three pentads later than usual. Also the strength of monsoon trough was weaker than in normal years. Meanwhile, monthly mean precipitation amount was 92.9 mm, which is 6% less than the normal (99.3 mm). Monthly mean temperature was 20.9℃, 0.9℃ higher than its climatological mean (20.0℃). There were four regional rainfall events during this month. Three tropical cyclones were active over the Northwest Pacific Ocean and the South China Sea, and the Fourth Typhoon “Ewiniar” landed in China for three times. Drought condition continued in Inner Mongolia, Liaoning and the north of Hebei Province. Extreme high temperature weather hit the Beijing Tianjin Hebei Region in late June. Many cities suffered from blustery weather and hailstorm.
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Author Name | Affiliation |
ZHANG Fang | National Meteorological Centre, Beijing 100081 |
HE Lifu | National Meteorological Centre, Beijing 100081 |
ZHANG Fang,HE Lifu,2018.Analysis of the June 2018 Atmospheric Circulation and Weather[J].Meteor Mon,44(9):1237-1244.
ZHANG Fang,HE Lifu,2018.Analysis of the June 2018 Atmospheric Circulation and Weather[J].Meteor Mon,44(9):1237-1244.