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投稿时间:2017-08-24 修订日期:2018-07-24
投稿时间:2017-08-24 修订日期:2018-07-24
中文摘要: 通过对比江淮地区1992—2016年08和20时的ERA Interim再分析资料与观测资料的温度要素,发现它们在垂直方向上的偏差存在从低层到高层先减小后增大的特点,对流层低层各站偏差的空间差异明显,到中高层各站偏差趋于一致。偏差存在明显年际变化,500 hPa及以上等压面在2000年前后再分析资料比观测资料存在由偏低向偏高的转折;除地面外,其他高度上两种资料的平均绝对偏差均呈显著减小趋势。在偏差的月际分布上,地面和500 hPa以上高度再分析资料普遍比观测资料偏高,各高度上平均绝对偏差在8—9月最小。进一步对各天气现象下两种资料比较发现,雪、雨夹雪、冰粒子和冻雨天气发生时,地面至1000 hPa和850 hPa上再分析资料比观测资料偏高;大雾天气发生时,再分析资料比观测资料在1000 hPa 偏高幅度明显高于地面。可见,在江淮地区使用ERA Interim再分析温度资料判别降水相态时,大气边界层和850 hPa 温度需慎重使用,近地层虚假逆温对大雾判别会产生很大影响。
Abstract:By comparing the ERA Interim temperature reanalysis data and observations at 08:00 BT and 20:00 BT over Jianghuai Region from 1992 to 2016, we found the deviations between them decrease first and then increase vertically from low level to top level. The spatial differences are obvious in lower tropos phere and tend to be consistent in middle and higher levels. The reanalysis data at 500 hPa and above have transition from lower (before the year 2000) to higher (after the year 2000) deviations. Except for surface, the average absolute deviations of these two kinds of data show significant decreasing tendencies at other pressure levels. In monthly distribution of deviations, reanalysis data at surface and above 500 hPa are generally higher than sounding data, and the absolute deviations at all pressure levels are the smallest around August and September. Further researches showed that under the weather phenomena of snow, sleet, freezing rain and ice particles, deviations of reanalysis data from surface to 1000 hPa and 850 hPa are generally higher than sounding data. However, the higher amplitudes of reanalysis data minus sounding data at 1000 hPa are significantly larger than surface in foggy weather, and under all above mentioned phenomena deviations of reanalysis data are higher above 500 hPa. So, the 850 hPa temperature data should be used carefully when using ERA Interim to distinguish precipitation phase. The false temperature inversion in the near surface layer will have a great influence on the identification of fog.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
WANG Chuanhui,YAO Yeqing,SHI Gang,2018.Comparative Analysis of ERA-Interim Temperature Reanalysis Data and Observations over Jianghuai Region[J].Meteor Mon,44(9):1220-1228.
WANG Chuanhui,YAO Yeqing,SHI Gang,2018.Comparative Analysis of ERA-Interim Temperature Reanalysis Data and Observations over Jianghuai Region[J].Meteor Mon,44(9):1220-1228.