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投稿时间:2017-06-17 修订日期:2018-02-27
投稿时间:2017-06-17 修订日期:2018-02-27
中文摘要: 本文采用天气学检验方法,对2016年度国家气象中心GRAPES全球数值预报系统(GRAPES GFS)业务预报暴雨过程及2013—2015年部分回算个例进行了检验,并结合对比欧洲中期天气预报中心确定性预报模式(EC模式)和国家气象中心全球谱模式T639L60(T639模式)降水预报,梳理总结业务GRAPES GFS模式预报性能优势和系统性偏差特征。被检验暴雨过程共38次,其中南方暴雨过程20次,北方暴雨过程6次,热带扰动或台风降水过程12次。依靠预报员主观天气学检验分析,从降水预报效果检验出发,结合主要影响天气系统和示踪物理量检验,梳理总结模式预报系统性偏差,以期全面发掘该业务预报模式性能。结果表明对短期时效内的降水预报,GRAPES GFS模式预报稳定性较好,整体明显优于T639模式。但还存在诸如对对流性降水预报较实况偏北或对主雨带南侧暖区降水预报不足的偏差特征;另对弱高空波动背景下的对流性降水预报偏弱;而在降水预报强度大致正确的情况下,对降水系统南侧偏南气流控制区域预报湿度偏大,对副热带地区的低涡系统预报偏强。
中文关键词: GRAPES-GFS模式,模式天气学检验,暴雨
Abstract:This study verified the whole 2016 year real time forecast and parts of 2013-2015 reforecast of heavy rain events and compared them with EC model and T639 model forecasts by using synoptic verification method. After summarizing up all verification results into several systematic biases, some conclusions were excavated to help improve the GRAPES GFS developments and operational applications. 38 heavy rainfall events were verified. Starting from the forecast quality of precipitation, synoptic weather systems and atmospheric physical factors were checked to find the direct causes of the precipitation biases and differences between other operational models. The results showed that some advances have been made in short range precipitation forecast, but still north bias exists in some convective rainband forecasts. Precipitation forecasts are weaker than observation in some convective cases which are under weak high level synoptic system background. Wet bias northern to the rainband and strong bias of subtropical vortex were also found in some cases while the precipitation was not over estimated.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
GONG Yu,DAI Kan,XU Jun,YANG Shunan,TANG Jian,ZHANG Fang,HU Ning,ZHANG Xidi,SHEN Xiaolin,2018.Synoptic Verification Characteristics of Operational GRAPES-GFS Model Heavy Rain Event Forecast[J].Meteor Mon,44(9):1148-1159.
GONG Yu,DAI Kan,XU Jun,YANG Shunan,TANG Jian,ZHANG Fang,HU Ning,ZHANG Xidi,SHEN Xiaolin,2018.Synoptic Verification Characteristics of Operational GRAPES-GFS Model Heavy Rain Event Forecast[J].Meteor Mon,44(9):1148-1159.