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投稿时间:2017-05-04 修订日期:2017-12-21
投稿时间:2017-05-04 修订日期:2017-12-21
中文摘要: 基于FNL 1°×1°再分析资料和来自国家气象信息中心的区域自动站与CMORPH小时降水融合产品,通过高分辨率的WRF数值模拟,本文重点分析了2015年7月22—24日期间在西南涡东移过程中,受长江中下游特殊地形影响,在鄂东北江汉平原河谷地区诱发生成的一次短时局地强降水天气过程,围绕特殊地形对局地降水增幅的作用机制展开一系列的深入研究,研究结果表明:此次局地强降水过程是在长江中下游特殊的中尺度地形影响下,配合东移西南涡前部偏南暖湿气流的输送,两者共同作用而诱发产生,此次局地降水过程持续时间短,降水增幅显著。之后,通过研究单一地形对局地降水的影响发现,大别山脉作为单一地形的作用效果为提升局地降水增幅,扩大强降水范围;幕阜山脉作为单一地形的作用效果为削弱降水增幅,缩小强降水范围。进一步深入分析上述单一地形影响降水变化的作用机制得出,大别山脉的地形作用有利于局地强降水区附近对流层低层的层结对流不稳定性增强,以及降水区近地面层冷池的维持和增强,有利于提升局地降水的增幅。而与大别山脉对局地降水作用效果不同,就幕阜山脉单一地形而言,地形对偏南暖湿气流的阻挡作用,削弱了局地强降水期间进入降水区的水汽通量,继而对局地降水的增幅有抑制作用。此外通过研究组合地形对局地降水的影响时发现,大别山脉、幕阜山脉、皖南山地,以及幕阜山脉和皖南山地之间的狭窄河谷地形共同构成的类似“喇叭口”地形,其产生的狭管效应,使进入地形区内的偏南气流辐合加强,而幕阜山脉和大别山脉之间的河谷地区,作为偏南气流从幕阜山脉东侧绕流进入江汉平原的重要通道,有效保证了强降水区域内充足的正涡度平流输送,上述有利的地形组合配置对于局地降水发展增强起到了至关重要的作用。
Abstract:Based on FNL reanalysis data and hourly precipitation data converted from both regional meteorological station and CMORPH and using the method of high resolution WRF numerical simulation, this paper analyzes a typical short time local heavy rain process triggered by easterly mobile southwest vortex and complex terrain located in the northeast of Hubei in 22-24 July 2015. Further study is made on possible effect mechanism of how the mesoscale topography affects the increment of local rainfall. The result shows that the increment process of local rainfall was under the influence of the special topography in the middle lower reaches of Yangtze River, coupled with the effect of transportation of moist air in the front of southwest vortex. The two items worked together, triggering the weather process. The duration of local rainfall was short, but the increment was obvious. By researching the effect mechanism of single terrain on the local rainfall, we found that the Dabie Mountain’s terrain height impacted increment and scope of local severe rainfall positively, while the Mufu Mountain’s terrain height influenced the increment and scope of local rainfall negatively. As for the effect of Dabie Mountain’s terrain on the rainfall, the terrain was advantageous to reinforcement of convective instability, reinforcement of wind convergence and vertical shear, as well as maintenance and reinforcement of cold pool in lower troposphere. Different from Dabie Mountain’s terrain, Mufu Mountain’s terrain obstructed southerly moisture flow, then decreased the transportation of vapor flux above the rainfall area, which was unfavorable for increment of local rainfall. In addition, by researching the effect mechanism of the combined terrain on the local rainfall, we found the trumpet shaped topography consisting of Dabie Mountain’s terrain, Mufu Mountain’s terrain, Wannan Mountain’s terrain, and river valley between Mufu Mountain and Wannan Mountain, which forced the southerly airflow into terrain area to converge. What’s more, the river valley between Mufu Mountain and Dabie Moutain acted as an important channel for the southerly airflow to flow back into the Jianghan Plain from the east of Mufu Mountain, which effectively guaranteed the positive vorticity advection to be transported into the heavy precipitation area. In a word, the above favorable terrain configuration resulted in the increment of local severe rainfall.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
LI Chao,CUI Chunguang,JIANG Xingwen,WANG Xiaofang,LAI Anwei,WANG Xiaokang,2018.Mechanism Analysis of the Effect of Special Topography in Middle Lower Reaches of Yangtze River on Local Severe Precipitaion in Northeast Hubei[J].Meteor Mon,44(9):1117-1135.
LI Chao,CUI Chunguang,JIANG Xingwen,WANG Xiaofang,LAI Anwei,WANG Xiaokang,2018.Mechanism Analysis of the Effect of Special Topography in Middle Lower Reaches of Yangtze River on Local Severe Precipitaion in Northeast Hubei[J].Meteor Mon,44(9):1117-1135.