(南京信息工程大学气象灾害教育部重点实验室,南京 210044; 辽宁省气象灾害监测预警中心,沈阳 110166; 沈阳中心气象台,沈阳 110166)
Analysis on Mesoscale Characteristics Convective System of Long Duration Local Torrential Rain Event in Liaoning Province
CHEN Chuanlei,GUAN Zhaoyong,JI Yongming,XIAO Guangliang,JIA Xuxuan,CHENG Pan
(Key Laboratory of Meteorological Disaster of Ministry of Education, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing 210044; Liaoning Meteorological Disaster Monitoring and Early Warning Centre, Shenyang 110166; Shenyang Central Meteorological Observatory, Shenyang 110166)
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投稿时间:2018-01-18    修订日期:2018-04-17
中文摘要: 选取发生在辽宁的3次典型长历时暴雨过程,利用NCEP/NCAR 1°×1°再分析、FY 2E黑体亮温TBB、多普勒天气雷达和自动气象站等资料,分析了降水实况、天气形势背景、卫星红外云图、雷达回波的结构和强度变化的代表性特征。结果表明:辽宁长历时暴雨是在有利于产生暴雨的大尺度环流背景下,异常稳定的形势场导致冷暖空气在某一地区长时间相互对峙而形成的。该型暴雨的降水实况具有雨强变化小、强降水无明显阶段性特征和雨强变化大、强降水具有明显阶段性两种特征。一般性对流云团、暖云和深对流云团均可造成该型暴雨,其中一般性对流云团的云顶亮温变化幅度小,在-47~-36℃,暖云的云顶亮温在-8~3℃,深对流云团的云顶亮温-68~-50℃且强降水发生在云顶亮温低值中心偏向温度梯度大值区一侧。该型暴雨的雷达反射率因子强回波质心较低,表现为上游回波同一方向连续移入形成的“列车效应”、本地生成回波并不断加强以及不同方向的强回波先后移入影响三种类型,小时平均回波强度及其变化对降水强度和趋势有较好的指示意义。需要特别关注副热带高压西侧低层高能高湿、凝结高度低、整层近乎饱和且又具有局地地形抬升触发条件地区的暖云强降水的分析和监测。
Abstract:Three typical long duration torrential rain events in Liaoning Province are selected. Based on the data of NCEP/NCAR 1°×1° reanalysis, FY 2E black body temperature (TBB for short), Doppler weather radar and automatic weather station, the representative characteristics of changes in precipitation observation, the background of synoptic situation, the satellite infrared cloud image, the structure and intensity of radar echoes are analyzed. The results show that long duration torrential rain that occurs in Liaoning Pro vince are caused by long term continuous interaction of warm and cold air masses in certain areas under the background of large scale synoptic environment conducive to torrential rain. This type of torrential rain has two types of characteristics. One is little change in precipitation intensity, and no obvious periodical characteristics of torrential rain, and the another is strong change in precipitation intensity, and obvious periodical characteristics of torrential rain. The general convective clouds, warm clouds and deep convective clouds can cause torrential rain, in which the TBB of general convective clouds varies between -47℃ and -36℃, the TBB of warm clouds is between -8℃ and 3℃, the TBB of deep convective clouds is between -68℃ and -50℃, and torrential rain occurs in the center of the low TBB to the large temperature gradient zone on one side. This type of torrential rain shows that the upper stream radar echoes conti nuously move into the downstream to form a “train effect”, the locally generated and intensified strong echoes and the strong radar echoes generated from the upstream maintain intensities and step into the downstream. The hourly average radar echo intensity and its change have a good indication of precipitation intensity and its trend. In particular, special attention should be paid to the analysis and monitoring of warm cloud which contributes to torrential rain in the west side of the subtropical high, high energy and high humidity, low condensation height, the whole almost saturated layer, and the trigger conditions of local topographic uplift.
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基金项目:中国气象局预报员专项(CMAYBY2015 015)和中国气象局预报预测核心业务发展专项(CMAHX20160103)共同资助
CHEN Chuanlei,GUAN Zhaoyong,JI Yongming,XIAO Guangliang,JIA Xuxuan,CHENG Pan,2018.Analysis on Mesoscale Characteristics Convective System of Long Duration Local Torrential Rain Event in Liaoning Province[J].Meteor Mon,44(8):1051-1062.