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投稿时间:2017-01-12 修订日期:2018-05-17
投稿时间:2017-01-12 修订日期:2018-05-17
中文摘要: 用GRAPES_Meso模式对2015年13号台风苏迪罗进行了数值模拟,从台风生成发展、成熟和登陆减弱三个阶段对模拟结果与实况资料进行了台风云系时空演变特征的对比分析,结果表明:(1)模式较好地再现了台风苏迪罗从生成发展、成熟,再到登陆减弱至消亡的整个过程,模拟的台风路径与实况吻合较好,台风强度的变化趋势也得到了较好的模拟再现。(2)“苏迪罗”在发展阶段台风眼模糊,模式对台风云系云量总体分布模拟较好,但模拟的云顶高度比实况偏低。(3)在成熟阶段,“苏迪罗”有一明显的漏斗状台风眼,云系发展更加旺盛,台风西部呈双眼壁结构,云顶高度比实况高度偏低。(4)“苏迪罗”登陆后强度迅速减弱,台风眼不再明显,模式对登陆后的“苏迪罗”云系结构模拟效果总体欠佳。(5)总的看来,模式较好地模拟出了“苏迪罗”云系整体范围,在洋面上的模拟效果好于登陆后,改进GRAPES模式的云量方案可能会提高该模式模拟台风云系的能力。
中文关键词: 台风,数值模拟,云系,时空演变
Abstract:No.1513 Typhoon Soudelor is simulated by using the GRAPES_Meso model, and the spatio temporal evolution of the cloud system during the three stages of typhoon generation, maturity and landfall is analyzed. The results show that: (1) The process of Typhoon Soudelor from generation, maturity to landfall, weakening and dissipation is reproduced well with both the track and the trend of typhoon intensity in the simulation, which are close to observation. (2) In the development stage, the typhoon eye is blurred. The overall distribution of typhoon cloud system is well simulated, but the height of cloud top is lower than observation. (3) In the mature stage, there is a clear funnel shaped eye in the center of “Soudelor” cloud system. Cloud develops more strongly and presents structure of concentric eyewalls in the west of typhoon. The height of the simulated cloud top is lower than the observation. (4) The intensity of “Soudelor” is weakened rapidly after landfall. The eye is no longer obvious. The ability of the model to represent the detailed structure of Typhoon “Soudelor” after landfall is poor. (5) In general, the whole range of the cloud system of “Soudelor” is well simulated by GRAPES_Meso model. The simulated results in the first two stages are better than that in the post landing stage. In a word, improving the cloud amount scheme in GRAPES model might help simulate typhoon cloud system.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
HE Xiaotong,XU Guoqiang,2018.Characteristics and Simulation Analysis of Cloud Evolution of Typhoon Soudelor (2015)[J].Meteor Mon,44(8):998-1008.
HE Xiaotong,XU Guoqiang,2018.Characteristics and Simulation Analysis of Cloud Evolution of Typhoon Soudelor (2015)[J].Meteor Mon,44(8):998-1008.