(西藏自治区气候中心,拉萨 850000)
Spatio Temporal Distribution of Heat Island Effect in Lhasa and Its Response to Land Use/Cover in 2012-2016
GAO Jiajia,HUANG Xiaoqing,NI Maji
(Tibet Climatic Center, Lhasa 850000)
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投稿时间:2017-06-22    修订日期:2018-03-20
中文摘要: 本文利用2012—2016年拉萨市8个自动气象观测站所采集的常规观测资料,结合2012和2016年Landsat8 TM影像数据对拉萨市土地利用类型分类,并且收集分析了拉萨市大量工、农业生产和居民生活等相关数据资料,评估了拉萨市热岛效应的时空分布特征及其与土地利用的关系。结果表明:拉萨市城市热岛的年、季节变化呈逐渐增强趋势;月变化呈现出“W”型的周期变化特征,城市热岛强度主要集中在冬季,其次是夏季,春秋季的热岛效应较弱;城市热岛的空间分布具有极不平衡性,总体表现为西南高,东北低,热岛区范围有所扩大,且热岛中心由经济开发区向南偏移至柳梧火车站,热岛低值范围一直位于税务林、拉鲁湿地附近。城市热岛强度与土地利用类型有较好的对应关系:市内开发区,建筑物密集、人为活动较多的地方有较高的热岛强度,林地、湿地对应的热岛强度较低。拉萨市热岛效应与人口密度、房屋建成面积和当年减少耕地面积成正相关性,与造林面积成负相关性,而与农业生产总值没有显著相关。
Abstract:This paper uses the conventional observation data collected from eight automatic weather stations in Lhasa in 2012-2016, and the related data of local industry, agriculture and residents’ living status, and assesses the spatio temporal distribution of heat island effect in Lhasa and its relationship with land use. The results show that the annual and seasonal changes of urban heat island in Lhasa are gradually increasing. The monthly variation of the urban heat island intensity is mainly concentrated in winter, followed by summer, and the heat island effects in spring and autumn are weak. The spatial distribution of the urban heat island is extremely uneven: high in the southwest and low in the northeast. Heat island area has expanded, and the center shifts southward from the economic development zone to the Liuwu Railway Station, with low value range located near the Tax Forest and the Lalu Wetland. The heat island intensity of Lhasa is positively correlated to population density, housing built area and reduced cultivated land area, and negatively correlated to afforestation area. It has no significant correlation with agricultural production.
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GAO Jiajia,HUANG Xiaoqing,NI Maji,2018.Spatio Temporal Distribution of Heat Island Effect in Lhasa and Its Response to Land Use/Cover in 2012-2016[J].Meteor Mon,44(7):936-943.