(广州气象卫星地面站,广州 510640; 广东省生态气象中心,广州 510640)
Study of Convective Cloud Identification Based on H2O/IRW Observation
ZHAO Wenhua,SHAN Haibin
(Guangzhou Meteorological Satellite Station, Guangzhou 510640; Guangdong Ecological Meteorology Center, Guangzhou 510640)
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投稿时间:2017-01-30    修订日期:2018-02-26
中文摘要: 卫星观测与辐射传输分析证明,对流云团红外水汽与窗区亮温差(brightness temperature difference,BTD)具有显著特征,利用对流云团BTD红外亮温特征可以识别对流云团。基于对流云团BTD特征建立的全球对流识别系统(global convection diagnostic,GCD)算法通过设立一个BTD单阈值检测对流云团的有无,但是它不能进一步量化对流云团强度。本文利用FY 2G VISSR红外观测数据与CINRAD CAR(CAPPI of reflectivity)雷达观测数据进行对比研究,结果表明:BTD/CAR具有较好线性正相关关系;BTD不仅可以用于识别对流云团的存在,还可以进一步量化对流云团强度;BTD作为对流云团识别因子优于IRW(infrared window)亮温法。基于BTD/CAR相关关系可以实现基于静止卫星红外水汽和窗区观测的对流云团识别与定强。
Abstract:Satellite observation and radiation transfer analysis have proved that the infrared water vapor of convective cloud cluster and window band brightness temperature difference (BTD)(H2O, IRW) have significant features, which means BTD can be used to identify the convection clouds. The global convection diagnostic (GCD) algorithm based on the BTD characteristics of convective cloud cluster, can detect convective cloud cluster by establishing a single BTD threshold, but it can not further quantify the intensity of convective clouds. Using FY 2G VISSR infrared observations and CINRAD CAR radar observation data, we did the comparative study, and the results show that BTD/CAR has a good linear positive correlation, which shows BTD can be used not only to identify the presence of convective clouds, but also to further quantify the intensity of convective cloud cluster. The BTD is a factor for convective cloud recognition superior to the single IRW brightness temperature method. Based on the BTD/CAR relationship, radar echo intensity thresholds can be transferred into the corresponding BTD threshold. These BTD thresholds can be used to identify and differentiate intensity of convective cloud by using of geostationary satellite infrared water vapor and window band observation.
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ZHAO Wenhua,SHAN Haibin,2018.Study of Convective Cloud Identification Based on H2O/IRW Observation[J].Meteor Mon,44(6):814-824.