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投稿时间:2016-09-23 修订日期:2017-05-09
投稿时间:2016-09-23 修订日期:2017-05-09
中文摘要: 目前冬季冻雨和降雪垂直结构的精细化研究十分缺乏,为开展这方面的研究,对垂直指向Ka波段毫米波云雷达冬季在贵州威宁观测的功率谱数据进行反射率因子、速度谱宽参数的提取,且新颖地提取了可以反映粒子下落过程变化的偏度参数。通过反演空气垂直运动速度得到粒子的下落末速度,进而得到垂直方向上的平均粒子半径,随后分析了垂直方向上液态水含量和冰水含量的变化,并结合探空数据及各参数在垂直结构上的变化分析了下落过程中粒子的发展变化过程。分析结果表明:冻雨回波特征是片状不均匀结构,而降雪的丝缕状结构明显;冻雨和降雪过程初始形成的平均粒子半径分别在40和120 μm 附近;冻雨过程粒子从初始形成到迅速碰并形成大的粒子并开始下落大约要0.2 km左右;云顶高度较云中液态水含量、冰水含量的高度高0.1 km左右,高出范围内的云内含水量很小,各参数在垂直结构上的变化相一致。
中文关键词: 毫米波云雷达,冻雨,降雪,微物理,动力特征
Abstract:The refinement research of the vertical structure of freezing rain and snow is very lacking. To carry out this kind of research, in this paper we extract reflectivity factor and velocity spectrum width as well as the skewness which can reflect phase state of precipitation particles originally from spectrum data observed by vertical point of Ka band millimeter wave radar. After obtaining the falling velocity of precipitation particles through rising air speed, and the mean particles radius in the vertical direction, we analyze the changes in the liquid water content and ice water content in the vertical structure as well as the changes of the particles combined with sounding data and several parameters in the falling process. The results show that echo characteristic of freezing rain is uneven lamellar structure, while the snow’s filar detailed structure is obvious.The initial mean radius of precipitation particles of freezing rain and snow fall distri butes separately near 40 and 120 mm. From the initial precipitation particles to quickly coagulating and forming big particles, freezing raindrops need to go through about 0.2 km in the process. The cloud top is 0.1 km higher than the top of liquid water content and ice water content. The water content within the higher range is small, and the parameters reflecting the change of particles in vertical structure are consistent.
文章编号: 中图分类号:P41 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 |
王柳柳 | 北京无线电测量研究所,北京 100854 中国航天科工集团第二研究院,北京 100854 |
刘黎平 | 中国气象科学研究院灾害天气国家重点实验室,北京 100081 |
余继周 | 北京无线电测量研究所,北京 100854 |
王志锐 | 北京无线电测量研究所,北京 100854 |
郑佳锋 | 中国气象科学研究院灾害天气国家重点实验室,北京 100081 |
王瑾 | 贵州省气象局,贵阳 550002 |
王柳柳,刘黎平,余继周,王志锐,郑佳锋,王瑾,2017.毫米波云雷达冻雨 降雪微物理和动力特征分析[J].气象,43(12):1473-1486.
WANG Liuliu,LIU Liping,YU Jizhou,WANG Zhirui,ZHENG Jiafeng,WANG Jin,2017.Microphysics and Dynamic Characteristic Analysis of Freezing Rain and Snow Observed by Millimeter Wave Radar[J].Meteor Mon,43(12):1473-1486.
王柳柳,刘黎平,余继周,王志锐,郑佳锋,王瑾,2017.毫米波云雷达冻雨 降雪微物理和动力特征分析[J].气象,43(12):1473-1486.
WANG Liuliu,LIU Liping,YU Jizhou,WANG Zhirui,ZHENG Jiafeng,WANG Jin,2017.Microphysics and Dynamic Characteristic Analysis of Freezing Rain and Snow Observed by Millimeter Wave Radar[J].Meteor Mon,43(12):1473-1486.