(1 浙江省宁波市气象台,宁波 315012 2 浙江省宁波市气象局,宁波 315012 3 浙江省宁波市气象服务中心,宁波 315012)
Numerical Simulation of Topographic Effect on Heavy Rainfall in Northeastern Zhejiang Caused by Typhoon Chan Hom
DUAN Jingjing1,QIAN Yanzhen1,ZHOU Fu2,FANG Yanying3,GUO Jianmin1
(1 Ningbo Meteorological Observatory of Zhejiang Province, Ningbo 315012 2 Ningbo Meteorological Office of Zhejiang Province, Ningbo 315012 3 Ningbo Meteorological Service Center of Zhejiang Province, Ningbo 315012)
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投稿时间:2016-07-26    修订日期:2017-02-16
中文摘要: 利用中尺度非静力数值模式WRF V3.6.1对台风灿鸿(1509)进行了高分辨率数值模拟,模式较好地再现了台风灿鸿的发展演变过程和在浙江东北部产生的强降水。观测资料显示台风接近浙江期间,在东北气流下,浙东北地形的摩擦辐合及抬升作用使得大量的对流云团汇集在台风西北侧,对流系统活跃,是浙江东北部产生强降水的重要原因。控制试验也模拟出了在台风接近陆地时,内核区西北侧存在有组织的、切向分布的小尺度对流系统,由地形强迫产生的降雨量和地形走向一致,迎风坡降雨量增加。通过升降地形,改变土地类型和将杭州湾水体用陆地替换等敏感性试验发现:(1)地形的影响对台风降雨量的增幅最为明显。通过降低地形,台风西北侧小尺度雨带明显减弱,浙江东北地区降水也明显减少。可见地形会影响这些中小尺度系统的结构和演变,引起降水异常变化。(2)大暴雨期间,台风一直维持较强的对称性,具有典型的眼墙和暖心结构。
Abstract:In this article, the non hydrostatic WRF V3.6.1 (Weather Research and Forecast) model is used to simulate Typhoon Chan Hom at high resolution with three nests. The model can well simulate the development and evolution of Typhoon Chan Hom as well as the precipitation that it brought to the northeast of Zhejiang. Observation data indicate that the topographic friction convergence and lifting under northeast air flow make the strong convective systems gather in the northwest of the typhoon eye in the vicinity of Zhejiang, with a lot of convective cloud cluster in the convective systems. This is an important reason for the record breaking rainfall in northeastern Zhejiang. The control simulation also captures these features. The precipitation system is consistent with orientation of topography, i.e. the rainfall increases on the windward side. The sensitivity experiments show that topography in the northeast area of Zhejiang plays an important role in the increment of the typhoon rainfall. By lowering the terrain, the small scale convective systems get reduced apparently. Meanwhile, the rainfall in northeastern Zhejiang weakens as well. Thus, topography can impact the structure and evolution of these convective systems, causing the abnormal changes of precipitation. Of more importance is that Typhoon Chan Hom maintained the highly symmetric structure in the vicinity of Zhejiang, with the typical eyewall and warm core structure.
文章编号:     中图分类号:P456    文献标志码:
DUAN Jingjing,QIAN Yanzhen,ZHOU Fu,FANG Yanying,GUO Jianmin,2017.Numerical Simulation of Topographic Effect on Heavy Rainfall in Northeastern Zhejiang Caused by Typhoon Chan Hom[J].Meteor Mon,43(6):686-695.