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(国家气象中心,北京 100081)
Analysis of the November 2016 Atmospheric Circulation and Weather
(National Meteorological Centre, Beijing 100081)
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投稿时间:2017-01-05    修订日期:2017-01-12
中文摘要: 2016年11月大气环流特征如下,北半球极涡呈双极型分布;欧亚中高纬乌拉尔山地区为一高压脊控制,西西伯利亚地区为一较强横槽,我国中高纬纬向环流较平直,处于宽广的位势高度负距平区,西太平洋副热带高压位置偏西偏强,南支槽平均位置位于90°E 附近。11月全国平均降水量30.6 mm,较常年同期(19 mm)偏多61%,共出现4次较强降水过程;江南及华南地区雨日多雨量大。全国有14站发生了极端连续降水日数事件,71站日降水量超过当地11月历史同期极大值。11月全国平均气温为2.9℃,与常年同期持平。共有4次较强冷空气过程,造成我国180站发生了极端日降温事件,其中30站日降温突破历史极值。11月出现4次大范围严重雾 霾天气过程。此外,西北太平洋和菲律宾南海有三个台风生成,对我国影响较小。
Abstract:The main characteristics of the general atmospheric circulation in November 2016 are as follows. There were two polar vortex centers in the Northern Hemisphere. In the mid high latitudes of Eurasian areas, there were a high pressure ridge over Ural Mountain and a strong transverse trough over West Siberian. The mid high latitudes of China were under the control of negative geopotential height anomaly areas, and the zonal circulation was more straight. The northwestern Pacific subtropical high was stronger than normal, located more westward. The south branch trough was located around 90°E averagely. In November, precipitation was characterized by more rainy days and more rainfall amount in the South of the Yangtze River and Southern China. The monthly mean precipitation amount is 30.6 mm, which is 61% more than climatological mean (19 mm). There were four major severe precipitation processes. Extreme continuous precipitation day events occurred over 14 stations, and the daily rainfall amount of 71 stations exceed ed the local maximum records in November. Meanwhile, the monthly mean temperature is 2.9℃, which is similar with the climatological mean. There were four main stronger cold air processes, which caused extreme drop in temperature events at 180 stations, among which the readings at 30 stations broke historical extremes. Meanwhile, there were four serious and wide fog haze weather processes. Besides, three typhoons were generated in the Northwest Pacific, South China Sea and Philippines, but their influence on China was little.
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MEI Shuangli,NIU Ruoyun,2017.Analysis of the November 2016 Atmospheric Circulation and Weather[J].Meteor Mon,43(2):249-256.