(国家气候中心,北京 100081)
Possible Causes for the Sudden Drop of Air Temperature in the Northern Hemisphere from Early to Mid Winter
(National Climate Centre, Beijing 100081)
本文已被:浏览 1321次   下载 2012
投稿时间:2016-03-13    修订日期:2016-08-06
中文摘要: 2015 年12月,北半球中纬度大部地区气温明显偏高,北美多地气温突破历史同期最高值。而2016年1月,北半球中纬度地区的气温迅速转为偏低,欧洲、北美、东亚等多地发生强寒潮、暴风雪等极端天气气候事件。本文结合再分析资料和台站观测资料,通过对大气环流异常的诊断分析,初步探讨了2015/2016年冬季北半球发生暖冷急转的环流特征及可能原因。分析指出,2016年1月初,北极涛动从正位相突然转为负位相,是造成北半球中纬度气温陡降的主要原因。中高纬度阻塞活动的交替建立和崩溃也加剧了气温变化的程度。此外,在厄尔尼诺年,赤道太平洋海温偏高,赤极温差增大,易造成海气系统的不稳定,再配合以全球变暖的年代际背景,通常会造成极端性灾害事件频发。
Abstract:During December 2015, the averaged surface air temperature over most regions in the mid latitude of Northern Hemisphere was above normal. Some regions in North America experienced the warmest December in the record. However, the temperature dropped suddenly in January 2016. Extreme cold weather events such as cold surges, winter storms attacked Europe, North America and East Asia. Using the NCEP reanalysis and station observation data, the possible causes for the sudden drop of air temperature during the winter were discussed. The analysis reveals that the Arctic oscillation turned from positive phase in December 2015 to negative phase in January 2016, leading to the warmer Arctic but the colder mid latitude continent. The development and decay of mid latitude atmospheric blocking also contributed to the sudden drop of air temperature. Furthermore, in the context of global warming, the sea surface temperature of tropical eastern Pacific is often above normal during the year of El Ni〖AKn~D〗o, which gives rise to larger temperature gradient between the equator and the pole, causing a more unstable climate system, and further leading to more frequent extreme cold events.
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NIE Yu,SUN Leng,WANG Dongqian,LI Duo,2016.Possible Causes for the Sudden Drop of Air Temperature in the Northern Hemisphere from Early to Mid Winter[J].Meteor Mon,42(10):1223-1229.