(1.武汉区域气候中心,武汉 430074;2.华中农业大学植物科学技术学院,武汉 430070;3.湖北省气象局,武汉 430074;4.武汉农业气象试验站,武汉 430040)
Analysis of Advantage and Disadvantage of Climatic Conditions in Hubei Province for Single Season Rice to Switch from Indica to Japonica Type
(1.Wuhan Regional Climate Centre, Wuhan 430074;2.College of Plant Science and Technology of Huanzhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070;3.Hubei Province Meteorological Service, Wuhan 430074;4.Wuhan National Agrometeorological Station, Wuhan 430040)
本文已被:浏览 1017次   下载 1618
投稿时间:2015-07-22    修订日期:2016-01-05
中文摘要: 本文在试验基础上,利用统计分析和模型模拟的方法,分析了湖北省一季中稻籼改粳气候资源利用率、高温热害和低温冷害风险变化,分析了湖北省一季中稻籼改粳适宜品种、适宜播期,提出了若干建议。主要结论有:(1)湖北省一季籼改粳能进一步提高气候资源利用率;(2)籼改粳后抽穗开花期遭遇高温热害的风险增加、低温冷害风险降低;(3)在中稻供试品种中,甬优1540(籼粳杂交)是籼改粳最适宜的品种,热粳优35、中稻1号在各生态区适应性均不如甬优系列;(4)北部地区一季粳稻播期应安排在4月下旬,南部地区播期安排在5月上中旬,能保证80%的年份抽穗—开花避开高温热害高风险期。
Abstract:Based on field experiments, statistical analysis and modelling were carried out to investigate the changes of climatic resources utilization, risk of heat and chilling stress as well as suitable varieties and sowing date for single season rice to switch from indica to japonica type in Hubei Province. The results showed that changing rice from indica to japonica type can improve resource efficiency of climate, and reduce the risk of chilling injury during heading period, but increase heat stress. Among five tested cultivars, Yongyou1540 (indica japonica hybrid) shows the best suitability across all ecological regions, while the performance of Rejingyou35 and Zhongdao1 is less satisfactory or with less suitability than Yongyou varieties. It is concluded that rice of japonica type should be sowed in the last ten day period of April in the northern part of Hubei, and in the early and middle May in the southern part. Sowing in this window, 80% of the years could avoid heat stress during heading period.
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WAN Suqin,QIN Pengcheng,DENG Huan,CAO Cougui,CAO Xiuxia,YANG Wengang,2016.Analysis of Advantage and Disadvantage of Climatic Conditions in Hubei Province for Single Season Rice to Switch from Indica to Japonica Type[J].Meteor Mon,42(5):628-636.