天津城区春节期间大气气溶胶污染特征 和数浓度分布
(天津市气象科学研究所,天津 300074)
Pollution Characteristics and Number Concentration of Atmospheric Aerosol During Spring Festival in Tianjin
(Tianjin Institute of Meteorological Sciences, Tianjin 300074)
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投稿时间:2014-11-24    修订日期:2016-02-16
中文摘要: 利用天津城区2009—2014年春节期间大气气溶胶观测资料和相关气象资料,重点分析2013和2014年春节期间气溶胶污染特征,探求燃放烟花爆竹以及气象条件对春节期间大气气溶胶的影响。结果表明,受燃放烟花爆竹影响,春节期间PM2.5质量浓度最高值均发生在除夕夜间;持续雾 霾天气条件下燃放烟花爆竹,造成2013年除夕夜间PM2.5质量浓度峰值达到1240 μg·m-3,是近年来最严重的一次;2014年春节期间烟花爆竹燃放量有所减少,加之空气扩散条件较为有利, PM2.5质量浓度显著低于2013年;不同天气条件下,气溶胶数浓度谱分布特征存在明显差异,燃放烟花爆竹期间气溶胶数浓度水平与严重雾 霾天气相当。
Abstract:Based on atmospheric aerosol mass concentration and relative meteorological data in Tianjin urban areas during the Spring Festivals of 2009-2014, the distribution characteristics of aerosol concentration spectrum were gained and the impact factors of these distribution characteristics including fireworks and meteorological conditions were analyzed. The results showed that PM2.5 mass concentration reached its peak value in the New Year Eve due to firing fireworks. With the continuous fog and haze during the Spring Festival, firing fireworks made the PM2.5 concentration reach 1240 μg·m-3 in 2013 and this is the highest value in recent years. During the Spring Festival of 2014, the decreasing amount of fireworks and good condition of pollutant dispersion were the causes for lower PM2.5 mass concentration than in 2013. Distribution characteristics of aerosol number concentration spectrum had significantly differences in different weather conditions. Aerosol number concentrations during firing fireworks were comparable with that of fog and haze events.
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姚青,刘敬乐,韩素芹,樊文雁,2016.天津城区春节期间大气气溶胶污染特征 和数浓度分布[J].气象,42(4):443-449.
YAO Qing,LIU Jingle,HAN Suqin,FAN Wenyan,2016.Pollution Characteristics and Number Concentration of Atmospheric Aerosol During Spring Festival in Tianjin[J].Meteor Mon,42(4):443-449.