(1.上海中心气象台,上海 200030;2.中国气象局气象干部培训学院,北京 100081;3.上海中心气象台,上海 200030 上海市气象局,上海 200030;4.上海中心气象台,上海 200030)
Analysis of an Occluded Shape Mesoscale Convective System (MCS) and Concomitant Mesoscale Convective Vortex (MCV) in Jiangsu
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投稿时间:2015-08-03    修订日期:2015-11-11
中文摘要: 利用常规地面和高空气象观测资料,结合气象卫星云图和雷达回波,分析了2009年6月14日15—23时(北京时,下同),造成江苏强对流天气的一个中尺度对流系统(MCS)的锢囚状特征的形成过程及其垂直结构。地面中尺度分析表明,雷暴高压东侧在飑前倒槽北端发展的闭合低压环流的东南气流将暖湿空气输送到冷性雷暴高压的北侧形成东南—西北向的暖舌,从而形成锢囚状的结构。长三角探空网资料的垂直结构分析表明,在对流层下部地面到850 hPa为冷性的雷暴高压,在对流层中部700 hPa为冷性的α中尺度涡旋(MCV),而500 hPa已转变为暖性的MCV。静力学关系可以说明MCV仅仅存在于700~500 hPa的原因和MCS下冷上暖的热力结构密切相关。
Abstract:By using the surface observational data, typhoon track data and ECMWF global reanalysis data, as well as the objective synoptic analysis technique (OSAT), tropical cyclone (TC) track similarity area index (TSAI) and the airflow trajectory model (HYSPLIT4.9), this paper analyzes the characteristics and the causes of the extreme precipitation created by the Severe Typhoon Fitow over the coastal region of Southeast China, and reveals the intensification role of binary typhoons in extreme precipitation. First, Fitow causes the maximum daily precipitation of 395.6 mm in Yuyao and Fenghua, which ranks the second daily extreme TC precipitation in Zhejiang Province in record. Two distinct intense precipitation stages are found in the precipitation process. Secondly, such intense and continuous rainfall during and after Fitow’s landfall is mainly due to the existence of Super Typhoon Danas. In the first stage of the severe precipitation the interaction of the binary tropical cyclones contributes to the extremity, causing Fitow to move much faster than before. Moreover, Danas transports about 79% moisture to the raining region, acting as an important contributor to the extreme precipitation over the southern coast of Hangzhou Bay. In the second stage, as the circulation of Typhoon Fitow almost dissipates, the combined interaction of Super Typhoon Danas and cold air causes the occurrence of the extreme precipitation.
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CHEN Yonglin,YU Xiaoding,YANG Yinming,WANG Hui,LIU Hongya,2016.Analysis of an Occluded Shape Mesoscale Convective System (MCS) and Concomitant Mesoscale Convective Vortex (MCV) in Jiangsu[J].Meteor Mon,42(2):166-173.