(1.宁波市气象台,宁波 315012;2.镇海区气象局,宁波 315200;3.宁波市气象服务中心,宁波 315012;4.浙江省气象科学研究所,杭州 310008)
Weather Types and Characteristics of Atmospheric Circulation for Regional Haze in Ningbo
(1.Ningbo Meteorological Observatory of Zhejiang, Ningbo 315012;2.Zhenhai Meteorological Station of Zhejiang, Ningbo 315200;3.Ningbo Meteorological Service Center of Zhejiang, Ningbo 315012;4.Zhejiang Meteorological Science Institute, Hangzhou 310008)
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投稿时间:2014-09-15    修订日期:2015-06-11
中文摘要: 利用2001—2012年NCEP逐日再分析资料和宁波7个县(市)区的地面气象资料,运用Lamb Jenkinson客观分型方法和统计方法,分析宁波区域霾发生规律和大气环流场特征。结果表明,宁波区域霾具有冬季频发、夏季少发的季节分布特点,年均15次,2011和2012年区域霾明显增多与大气环流密切相关;区域霾的主要环流类型为A型、AN型、AS和C型,分别占总数的65.9%、12.3%、6.7%和4.7%, A型主要出现在稳定平直环流的秋、冬季,AN型出现在环流经向度明显增加的冬季,AS型出现在冷暖气流转换空隙期的春、秋季,C型出现在西太平洋高压明显加强的地面弱低压环境场的春、夏季;东部沿海500 hPa气旋性环流、偏西气流及850 hPa微风有利于宁波区域霾发生,反之,500 hPa反气旋环流、850 hPa强盛偏南气流则不利于霾发生;A型环流在弱冷空气影响或静稳天气条件下,连续霾日、重度霾出现概率增大。
Abstract:By using NCEP daily reanalysis data and surface weather data of 7 counties in Ningbo over 2001-2012, and Lamb Jenkinson objective classification method and statistical method, we analyzed the regular pattern of regional haze events in Ningbo and corresponding atmospheric circulation characteristics. The results show that the regional haze in Ningbo has a seasonal distribution feature, and winter is the period with most frequent haze, while in summer haze is the least. There are about 15 times on annual average. Jumpily increasing of the regional haze in 2011 and 2012 is closely related to atmospheric circulation. The circulation for regional haze is divided into four types: Type A, Type AN, Type AS and Type C, accounting for 65.9%, 12.3%, 6.7% and 4.7% respectively. Type A mainly occurs in autumn and winter with stable and straight circulation. Type AN occurs in winter with significantly increasing meridional circulation. Type AS occurs in spring and autumn during the changing intervals of cold air and warm air. Type C occurs in spring and summer with significantly strengthened western Pacific high pressure and weak low pressure ambient field on the ground. Cyclonic circulation at 500 hPa, west airflow and gentle breeze at 850 hPa in eastern coast are helpful for the occurrence of regional haze in Ningbo. On the contrary, anticyclonic circulation at 500 hPa and strong partial south airflow at 850 hPa suppress the haze. When Type A circulation occurs with weak cold air or static and stable air condition, the probability of continuous haze days and severe haze event increases.
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基金项目:公益性行业(气象)科研专项(GYHY201206011)、宁波市科技计划项目(2013C51013)和浙江省自然科学基金项目(LQ13D050001) 共同资助
YU Keai,HU Xiao,WANG Xuanxuan,GU Xiaoli,XU Honghui,LIU Jie,DING Yeyi,GUO Jianmin,2015.Weather Types and Characteristics of Atmospheric Circulation for Regional Haze in Ningbo[J].Meteor Mon,41(12):1514-1524.