(1.徐州市气象局,徐州 221002;2.江苏省气象局,南京 210008)
Seasonal Characteristics of Consecutive Haze Events in Xuzhou
(1.Xuzhou Meteorological Office of Jiangsu Province, Xuzhou 221002;2.Jiangsu Meteorological Bureau, Nanjing 210008)
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投稿时间:2014-08-27    修订日期:2014-12-29
中文摘要: 利用常规气象观测资料、NCEP再分析资料及污染物浓度小时资料,从天气形势、地面气象要素特征、污染物浓度变化、霾形成及维持的机制等方面,分析了徐州2013年持续性霾过程的季节特征。结果表明:秋、冬季中高层为西到西北气流,低层暖脊,地面为高压后部或鞍型场;春、夏季在中高层西南风、低层高压后部偏南气流、地面风场不是很弱的情况下出现持续性霾。秋、冬季霾日夜间风速接近静风,白天风速较夜间略大,风向以偏北和偏东居多;春、夏风向、风速相对稳定,风速维持2~3 m·s-1,风向多为东到东南。秋、冬季出现霾时层结稳定,具有明显的贴地层逆温结构,逆温层顶较低,春季逆温层顶略高于秋、冬季,而夏季出现霾时可以是不稳定的层结,低层也不具备明显逆温特征。冬、夏季霾区上空多为微弱的上升运动,高度不高,其上为下沉气流;春、秋季夜间到早晨霾区上空多为下沉气流。
Abstract:Based on conventional meteorological observation data and NCEP reanalysis data as well as hourly pollutant concentration data, seasonal characteristics of consecutive haze events in Xuzhou in 2013 are analyzed, including circulation background, surface meteorological characteristics, pollution forming and maintaining mechanism. The findings are as follows. Consecutive haze events are prone to occur when the cold advection at high level, warm high ridge at low level, and back of surface high or saddle pattern occur in autumn and winter, and southwest wind at high and low level, south airflow in the back of high pressure and the surface wind are not very weak in spring and summer. Wind speed in autumn and winter is very slow at night, slightly increasing during the day, but in spring and summer wind speed is stable relatively, being 2-3 m·s-1. Wind direction is northerly and easterly mainly in autumn and winter, but easterly to southeasterly in spring and summer. Temperature stratifications are stable with obvious surface layer thermal inversion during the consecutive haze events in autumn and winter. In contrast, inversion layers are higher in spring than in autumn and the summer stratification is unstable without obvious inversion. Shallow upward motion exists at low level, and downdraft at the upper level in winter and summer while it is downdraft in most cases during the spring and autumn nights.
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LV Xiang,LIU Duanyang,LI Bingfeng,TIAN Yuan,DUAN Peifa,SUN Jianyin,2015.Seasonal Characteristics of Consecutive Haze Events in Xuzhou[J].Meteor Mon,41(9):1134-1143.