黄勇1,2, 陈生3, 冯妍1,2, 翟菁1,2
(1.安徽省气象科学研究所, 合肥 230031;2.安徽省大气科学与卫星遥感重点实验室, 合肥 230031;3.美国俄克拉荷马大学, 俄克拉荷马 73072)
Evaluation of TMPA Precipitation Estimates from 2008 to 2012 over China
(1.Anhui Meteorological Institute, Hefei 230031;2.Anhui Key Laboratory of Atmospheric Science and Satellite Remote Sensing, Hefei 230031;3.Shool of Civil Engineering and Environmental Science, University of Oklahoma, USA. Oklahnma 73072)
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投稿时间:2013-11-28    修订日期:2014-10-03
中文摘要: 利用逐日全国降水分析产品,对2012年12月下旬发布的最新版本的TRMM等多源卫星降水估算产品(TMPA)进行评估, 评估时间从2008年9月到2012年8月。从评估结果来看,研究产品3B42V7产品与CPAP产品具有高的相关性,两者的相关系数达到了0.94,相对误差在-0.11%左右,标准偏差约为0.53 mm·d-1。实时产品3B42RT产品与CPAP产品的相关性相对较差,相关系数为0.75,相对误差也上升到了39.3%,标准偏差为1.25 mm·d-1。3B42RT产品在我国西部高估了降水,全年的相对误差为116.60%(春夏秋冬四季分别为104.52%、 105.73%、117.64%和326.60%);3B42V7产品的相对误差仅为0.82 %(春夏秋冬四季分别为2.25%、1.24%、-5.27%和-24.64%)。
Abstract:The spatial error structure of surface precipitation derived from the latest version 7 Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Multi satellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA) algorithms are systematically studied by comparing with the daily China precipitation analysis product (CPAP) from September 2008 to August 2012. The TMPA products include the real time product 3B42RT, the research product 3B42 (3B42V7). In terms of four year mean daily precipitation the 3B42V7 products are highly correlated with CPAP with correlation coefficient (CC) being about 0.94, relative bias (RB) about -0.11% and the root mean square error (RMSE) about 0.53 mm·d-1. The 3B42RT product has lower CC about 0.75 and higher relative bias (RB) about 39.30% and RMSE about 1.25 mm·d-1. The 3B42RT product overestimated the rainfall in the west of China with RB about 116.60 % for the whole year (104.52%、 105.73%、117.64% and 326.60% respectively for spring, summer, autumn and winter). The relative error of 3B42V7 product is only 0.82 % (2.25%, 1.24%, -5.27%, -24.64% for spring, summer, autumn and winter, respectively).
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HUANG Yong,CHEN Sheng,FENG Yan,ZHAI Jing,2015.Evaluation of TMPA Precipitation Estimates from 2008 to 2012 over China[J].Meteor Mon,41(3):353-363.