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投稿时间:2013-10-17 修订日期:2014-08-17
投稿时间:2013-10-17 修订日期:2014-08-17
中文摘要: 为揭示轻型百叶箱和玻璃钢百叶箱气温的差异变化特征,利用上海枫泾区域自动气象站2012年4月至2013年9月分钟级数据,采用线性分析、线性拟合、多元回归等方法,对两种百叶箱的气温和日极值进行月尺度对比,揭示两种百叶箱气温测值差异程度,分析不同云量、不同升(降)温速率、不同风速、不同降水强度下两种百叶箱气温差特征,探讨产生气温差的原因,并计算不同季节的轻型百叶箱气温订正方程。研究发现:两种百叶箱气温差、气温差的离散度、气温日极值差均存在季节性差异。轻型百叶箱春、夏和秋季的日最高气温参考价值较低,高温日参考价值较低。太阳辐射和红外(红外冷却)辐射对两种百叶箱气温差影响较大,辐射量越大,则气温差异越大。单一风速条件或单一降水条件对气温差的影响较小。而降水条件下,大风和低风速时的红外冷却辐射会导致气温差异增大。轻型百叶箱气温测量值对环境气温变化的敏感度要高于玻璃钢百叶箱,更能反映非周期性变化特点。结果表明:材质和结构决定轻型百叶箱防辐射性能较低,是导致两种百叶箱测温差异的主要原因。
中文关键词: 轻型百叶箱, 玻璃钢百叶箱, 气温, 对比
Abstract:Variation characteristics of temperature difference between light louvred screen and reinforced plastic screen are explored by using the minute data from April 2012 to September 2013 in regional automatic weather station in Fengjing of Shanghai, to reveal degrees of temperature difference of the two screens. Temperature difference, daily extremes and the change characteristics of temperature difference under different cloud cover, different heating (cooling) rate, different wind speed, different rainfall intensity and the reason of temperature difference are analyzed with methods of linear analysis, linear fitting and multiple regression. Temperature correction equations for different seasons are calculated. The results show that temperature difference, dispersion of temperature difference and daily extreme difference have seasonal differences. The daily maximum temperature reference value of light louvred screen is lower in spring, summer and autumn. Reference value of high temperature days is lower. Solar radiation and infrared (cooling) radiation have great influences on the temperature difference. The more radiation, the bigger the temperature difference. Single wind condition or single rainfall condition has smaller influence on temperature difference. Under the condition of rain, strong winds and infrared cooling radiation with slow winds increase the temperature difference. The observed value of temperature in light louvred screen is more sensitive to the changes in the environmental temperature. The results show that, the different material and structure make light louvered screen have lower performance of anti radiation, which is the main cause for temperature difference.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 |
徐伟 | 南京大学大气科学学院,南京 210046 上海市金山区气象局,上海 201508 |
胡振勤 | 上海市金山区气象局,上海 201508 |
夏立 | 上海市金山区气象局,上海 201508 |
朱超 | 上海市金山区气象局,上海 201508 |
胡平 | 上海市信息与技术支持中心,上海 200030 |
XU Wei,HU Zhenqin,XIA Li,ZHU Chao,HU Ping,2015.Comparative Study on Temperature of Light Louvred Screen and Reinforced Plastics Screen[J].Meteor Mon,41(2):240-246.
XU Wei,HU Zhenqin,XIA Li,ZHU Chao,HU Ping,2015.Comparative Study on Temperature of Light Louvred Screen and Reinforced Plastics Screen[J].Meteor Mon,41(2):240-246.