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(1.长春市气象局,长春 13005;2.中国气象局气象干部培训学院,北京 100081;3.长春市气象局,长春 130051;4.吉林省减灾备灾中心,长春 130062)
Generating Mechanism and Type of Gust Front and Its Subjective Identification Methods
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投稿时间:2014-02-26    修订日期:2014-08-11
中文摘要: 文章总结了近些年我国学者对阵风锋所开展的相关研究,阐明了阵风锋的空间结构、类型及其特征,探讨了阵风锋窄带回波的形成机制,提出了阵风锋的主观识别方法,结果表明:从雷达探测资料分析,可将阵风锋分为两类,一类是雷暴母体静止型阵风锋,一类是雷暴母体运动型阵风锋,而前者还可以进一步分为两个子类型。阵风锋类型不同,阵风锋对雷暴母体的反馈作用也截然不同。阵风锋窄带回波的形成可概括为两种机制:第一种是大气折射指数梯度脉动导致的布拉格散射(Bragg Scattering),第二种是由昆虫对雷达波的粒子散射(Particle Scattering)导致。利用阵风锋雷达强度和径向速度回波特征,可以识别阵风锋的位置和范围,并对其外推做出预报。由于阵风锋是低层大气现象,所以需要应用较低仰角的雷达资料来识别。利用阵风锋雷达回波特征,配合气象卫星高分辨率可见光云图上呈现的中尺度对流云团和弧状云线的变化,结合地面中尺度观测网资料,可以综合识别阵风锋的形成、发展和消散。
Abstract:This paper summarizes the research results about gust fronts in China in recent years, illustrates their spatial structures, types and characteristics, discusses formation mechanisms for narrowband echoes of gust fronts, proposes the subjective recognition methods to gust fronts. The results show that based on the radar data analysis, gust fronts can be divided into two types: The static gust front and the sport gust front of the original thunderstorm, and the former can be divided further into two subtypes. The feedback effect of gust fronts for the original thunderstorm is completely different because of their different types. The formation mechanism for narrowband echoes of gust fronts can be briefed as two categories: The first is Bragg Scattering caused by the pulsation of atmospheric refraction index gradient, and the second is Particle Scattering caused by insects. Using the characteristics of reflectivity factor and radial velocity, we can identify the location and scope of gust fronts and can forecast their extrapolation. Because gust fronts are close to the ground in the lower atmosphere, we should use a lower elevation of radar data to identify them. Using the radar echo characteristics of gust fronts, the formation, development and dissipation can be comprehensively identified, matching up the variation of mesoscale convective clouds and arcus cloud lines of the high resolution satellite visible cloud images and combined with surface mesoscale observation data.
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XI Baozhu,YU Xiaoding,SUN Li,XU Jie,2015.Generating Mechanism and Type of Gust Front and Its Subjective Identification Methods[J].Meteor Mon,41(2):133-142.