(1 山东省气象台,济南 250031;2 国家气候中心,北京 100081;3 中国气象局公共气象服务中心,北京 100081)
Applicability Research Using QuikSCAT and ASCAT Satellite Inversion Wind Data in the Northern Part of South China Sea
(1 Shandong Meteorological Observatory, Jinan 250031;2 National Climate Centre, Beijing 100081;3 Public Meteorological Service Centre, CMA, Beijing 100081)
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投稿时间:2014-01-12    修订日期:2014-07-30
中文摘要: 对QuikSCAT和ASCAT原始轨道10 m反演风场与浮标资料在中国南海北部的统计检验分析结果表明:两套卫星资料在中国南海北部具有较好的适用性,QuickSCAT反演风速偏高0.46 m·s-1,ASCAT反演风速在近海偏高0.45 m·s-1,在开阔海域偏高0.07 m·s-1。超过半数的QuickSCAT反演风向误差<30°。在近岸海域,ASCAT反演风向误差<30°的超过56%,在开阔海域,误差绝对值<30°的达到64%。小风时卫星反演风速偏大,大风时卫星反演风速明显偏小,且白天的偏差大于夜间;在5~10 m·s-1风速条件下,两者的一致性较好。用WRF模式模拟的近海风能资源存在高估的可能,卫星资料对近海风能资源评估是个有益的补充,本文对卫星反演风场误差的分析结果也可以为卫星反演风场的资料同化提供参考。
Abstract:The 10 m wind from QuikSCAT and ASCAT orbital data were compared with buoy wind data in the northern South China Sea. The results show that the two satellite data have a good applicability in the northern South China Sea. The QuikSCAT inversion wind speed is 0.46 m·s-1 higher than the buoy wind and ASCAT inversion wind speed is 0.45 m·s-1 higher than buoy wind speed in the offshore sea, though it is 0.07 m·s-1 in the open sea. The absolute error <30° of QuikSCAT satellite inversion wind exceeds 50%.The absolute error <30° of ASCAT satellite inversion wind passes 56% in the offshore sea and gets to 64% in the open sea. When the wind speed is small, satellite inversion wind speed is bigger, when the wind speed is fast, satellite wind speed is slower than the buoy wind. The error in the morning is bigger than that in the evening. But under the condition of 5-10 m·s-1 wind speed, the consistency of the two satellite wind data is better. The offshore wind power resource simulated by WRF model is perhaps overrated. Satellite data may be a beneficial supplement for assessing offshore wind power resource. The satellite inversion wind error analysis also provides a reference for the data assimilation of satellite inversion wind field.
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基金项目:中国 丹麦可再生能源发展项目课题(104.Kina.1.MFS.4 1 2 2)、中国气象局预报员专项(CMAYBY2013 38)和山东省自然科学基金(ZR2013DQ009)共同资助
GAO Liuxi,ZHU Rong,CHANG Rui,2014.Applicability Research Using QuikSCAT and ASCAT Satellite Inversion Wind Data in the Northern Part of South China Sea[J].Meteor Mon,40(10):1240-1247.