(1.国家卫星气象中心,北京 100081;2.中国气象局中国遥感卫星辐射测量和定标重点开放实验室,北京 100081)
Application Experiment of Instability Index Retrieved with Hyper Spectral Atmospheric Infrared Sounding (AIRS) Data in Severe Convective Weather Case
(1.National Satellite Meteorological Centre, Beijing 100081;2.Key Laboratory of Radiometric Calibration and Validation for Environmental Satellites CMA, Beijing 100081)
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投稿时间:2013-08-29    修订日期:2014-04-14
中文摘要: 使用探空、NCEP FNL数据和高光谱分辨率大气垂直探测仪(AIRS)标准反演数据计算大气不稳定度指数,对2011年6月23日北京强对流天气发生前的本地及上游大气中不稳定能量进行分析研究。分析发现:利用08、14和20时探空数据计算的北京站不稳定度指数显示了在“6·23暴雨”过程发生前后北京上空不稳定能量变化,上游关键区无探空数据;利用NCEP和AIRS数据计算的不稳定度指数显示,强对流天气发生前,在北京的上游关键区大气处于极端不稳定状态(K指数大于40,SI指数小于-5),有利于强对流天气发生。文章的研究结果表明,探空数据时空分辨率较低,不利于监测强对流天气的发生;质量控制后AIRS数据计算的不稳定度指数可以监测对流天气的发生;空间分辨率较低的NCEP数据监测小范围大气不稳定层结能力较低。综上所述,AIRS反演产品具有弥补探空资料时空分辨率不足的优势,利用AIRS L2反演产品计算晴空大气不稳定度指数产品可以监测到“6·23暴雨”天气发生前上游关键区大气层结稳定度状态,为预报员决策提供有效的辅助信息。
Abstract:Using the instability index computed with radiosonde, NCEP FNL data and hyper spectral Atmospheric Infrared Sounding (AIRS) standard retrieval data, this paper analyzes the atmospheric instability before occurrence of the severe convective weather in Beijing on June 23, 2011. The findings suggest that the instability index computed with radiosonde shows the change of the unstable energy over Beijing before and after “the 23 June Storm”, and no sounding data in the upstream key region. The instability index computed with AIRS and NCEP shows that upstream key region in Beijing is extremely unstable before the occurrence of the severe convective weather (K index is greater than 40, and SI index is equal to or less than -5), being conducive to the occurrence of severe convective weather. The research results of the paper show that the radiosonde data cannot monitor the severe convective weather because of its lower spatial and temporal resolution. After quality control the instability index calculated by AIRS data can be used in monitoring the occurrence of convective weather. The NCEP data with lower spatial resolution have weak capability in monitoring small scale atmospheric unstable stratification. In summary, AIRS retrieval products have the advantage of high spatial and temporal resolution. We can monitor the atmosphere unstable energy accumulation of the upstream key areas before “the 23 June Storm” weather occurs by using the clear atmospheric instability index computed with AIRS L2 products, providing supplementary information for forecasters.
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LIU Hui,SHOU Yixuan,QI Chengli,2014.Application Experiment of Instability Index Retrieved with Hyper Spectral Atmospheric Infrared Sounding (AIRS) Data in Severe Convective Weather Case[J].Meteor Mon,40(6):678-686.