(1.成都信息工程学院大气科学学院,成都 610225;2.国家气象中心,北京100081)
Study on Quality Control of Radiosonde Temperature
(1.Atmospheric Science College, Chengdu University of Information Technology, Chengdu 610225;2.National Meteorological Centre, Beijing 100081)
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投稿时间:2013-01-08    修订日期:2013-05-25
中文摘要: 探空资料质量控制是探空资料在数值模式同化应用取得较好效果的重要保障,随着模式分辨率不断提高,探空资料飘移信息越来越需要应用到同化算子。本文通过全球谱模式T639L60(简称T639)分析场和掩星探测系统COSMIC资料对2011年7月我国119个探空站温度资料进行分析,同时结合探空气球随高度飘移信息以及温度残余误差等因素,开展探空温度质量控制技术研究。研究结果表明:探空气球飘移距离随高度而增大,在300~100 hPa之间飘移速率较大;基于探空温度资料残余误差和飘移因素建立的双权重标准质量控制方法能有效保障资料质量,是否考虑温度残余误差和飘移信息对质量控制结果有明显影响。当考虑温度残余误差时,300 hPa以上离群资料量显著减少;考虑飘移信息时,高层飘移速率较大区间离群资料量明显减少;模式地形与测站地形的高度差异对质量控制结果有明显影响,当测站地形高度低于模式地形时,易出现离群点,且两种地形差异大小与离群点呈正相关,即地形差异越大,低层离群资料越多。
Abstract:Quality control (QC) of radiosonde data is the important guarantee for radiosonde data assimilation in numerical model. As the numerical model resolution is getting higher and higher, the drift distance with height of radiosonde balloon needs to be considered in data assimilation. In this paper, temperature characteristics of radiosonde observation from 119 radiosonde stations are analyzed by comparing with T639 model analysis field (0.28125°×0.28125°) and temperature profile of the COSMIC radio occultation. Meanwhile, a bi weight mean quality control method for radiosonde temperature is studied combining the drift information and the error sources of radiosonde temperature. The results show that the drift distance of radiosonde balloon increases with height. The maximum drift rate appears in the range of 300-100 hPa. The bi weight mean quality control method ensures the data quality after the quality control. The temperature error sources and drift information affect the results of quality control. The amount of outliers at high levels above 300 hPa is reduced when the error source is considered. The outliers of the maximum drift rate levels are reduced when the drift information is considered. The elevation differences between the model terrain and radiosonde sites have impacts on the background consistent check. When the height of radiosonde sites is lower than model terrain, some outliers at low levels will appear. And there is a positive correlation between outliers and elevation difference, the larger elevation difference is, the more outliers there are.
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LI Ping,XU Zhifang,FAN Guangzhou,LI Yansong,LI Zechun,2013.Study on Quality Control of Radiosonde Temperature[J].Meteor Mon,39(12):1626-1634.