(1.四川省气象台,成都 610072;2.成都高原气象研究所,成都 610072)
Discussion on Relationship Between Prediction Performance of Mesoscale Numerical Model and Weather Process in Southwest China
(1.Sichuan Meteorological Observatory, Chengdu 610072;2.Chengdu Institute of Plateau Meteorology, CMA, Chengdu 610072)
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投稿时间:2012-03-04    修订日期:2012-11-14
中文摘要: 本文以探空站和自动站实测资料为检验参考,通过主客观检验GRAPES和WRF模式在西南地区的初始分析场和预报场,一定程度揭示出模式在西南地区的初值质量、动力框架性能和降水参数化效果。GRAPES在西南地区的位势高度、风速、风向初值质量都不同程度好于WRF,但进入预报阶段,GRAPES位势高度、温度均方根误差以比WRF更高的斜率随时效增长,GRAPES对西南地区的500 hPa高度场预报呈现系统性偏低,而WRF对西南地区高度预报的正误差概率比较高;分类天气过程检验表明,GRAPES对低涡、切变过程的初始分析质量好于WRF,但进入预报阶段,WRF对低槽、低涡和切变三类天气过程的低值系统预报正确率都高于GRAPES,这一定程度反映出WRF的模式性能好于GRAPES;分类天气过程降水预报检验表明,低涡过程降水预报难于低槽过程。GRAPES对低涡过程的降水预报能力较低,WRF预报能力最低的是切变过程。这与模式对分类天气过程中低值系统预报能力一致,这一定程度表明两个模式的降水参数化效果水平相当。
Abstract:By taking sounding and auto station data as “standard data”, both subjective and objective verifications are carried out on the initials and predictions of numerical prediction model GRAPES and WRF to reveal the two models’ initial value quality, dynamical frame performance and rain parameterization in Southwest China to some extent. The results show that the initial geopotential height, wind speed and direction of GRAPES are somewhat better than WRF. In the predicting stage, however, the height and temperature RMS (Root Mean Square error) of GRAPES increase much faster than WRF. Besides, GRAPES predicts the 500 hPa height in Southwest China to be lower systematically, while WRF predicts higher height in Southwest China in a relatively big probability. The verification on the sorted weather processes exhibits that GRAPES is superior to WRF in vortex and shear initial analysis. But in predicting stage, WRF performances remarkably better than GRAPES as WRF predicts vortex, shear and trough in a higher correct rate. The analysis of sorted rainfall displays that for both models, rainfall prediction in vortex process is more difficult than the trough process, especially to GRAPES, but for WRF, rainfall prediction in shear process is the most difficult. This conclusion is accorded with two models’ capability in sorted weather process, so the rainfall parameterization effects in the two models are similar.
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XIAO Yuhua,KANG Lan,XU Linna,TU Nini,LU Ping,YUAN Benhe,2013.Discussion on Relationship Between Prediction Performance of Mesoscale Numerical Model and Weather Process in Southwest China[J].Meteor Mon,39(10):1257-1264.