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(1.中国科学院大气物理研究所,北京 100029,中国科学院大学,北京 100049,国家气候中心,中国气象局气候研究开放实验室,北京 100081;2.国家气候中心,中国气象局气候研究开放实验室,北京 100081)
Evolution of the Exceptional Blocking High over Eurasia and Its Impact on Weather and Climate in 2010 Summer
(1.Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029,University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049,Laboratory of Climate Studies of CMA, National Climate Centre, Beijing 100081;2.Laboratory of Climate Studies of CMA, National Climate Centre, Beijing 100081)
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投稿时间:2012-09-14    修订日期:2013-02-26
中文摘要: 2010年6—8月,北半球存在欧亚遥相关,异常最早出现在北大西洋高空急流出口区,为负扰动,扰动沿遥相关波列向下游传播,造成莫斯科地区的高温热浪以及巴基斯坦与中国西北和东北部的暴雨洪涝。遥相关分析表明,急流出口区的负扰动首先引起俄罗斯西部的正扰动,阻塞高压发展,造成持续高温干旱;之后引起西亚北部的负扰动,造成冷空气频繁南下,与北上和西进的印度季风交汇在巴基斯坦北部,造成极严重的洪涝;8月初扰动沿高空急流继续向下游传播,在我国西北、东北以及朝鲜半岛造成洪涝,甘肃舟曲突发性大暴雨和泥石流以及松花江暴雨就发生在这个时期。由于2010年夏季整个欧亚地区经向型环流异常发展,高空急流经向分量很大,这导致高、低纬冷暖空气在不同地区持续相互作用,不仅使阻塞高压在中高纬俄罗斯西部异常发展、强大和持续,而且使低纬巴基斯坦发生严重洪涝,以及我国中纬度地区的强烈暴雨。季风活动在引发上述暴雨洪涝起着十分关键的作用,分别表现为来自低纬阿拉伯海和孟加拉湾的两支暖湿气流与沿着阻高东侧南下的冷空气在巴基斯坦北部上空交汇;来自印度洋、太平洋的暖湿气流和中纬度西风带的水汽在我国东北以及朝鲜半岛上空交汇。
Abstract:During June-August 2010, significant circumglobal teleconnections existed in the Northern Hemisphere which originated from the negative disturbance around the exit of upper level jet stream over the Atlantic. The disturbance propagated downstream along the teleconnection wave train, causing Russian heat wave, heavy rains and floods in Pakistan and northwestern and northeastern China. The teleconnection analysis shows that the negative disturbance firstly caused positive perturbation and the development of blocking high in western Russia, resulting in persisting high temperature and drought. Secondly, the negative disturbance propagated to northern West Asia, causing cold air to move southward and meet the northward and westward Indian summer monsoons in northern Pakistan and produced torrential rains. In early August, the disturbance continued to propagate downstream along the upper level jet stream over Asia, causing floods in northwestern and northeastern China and the Korea Peninsula. The sudden rain storm and landslide in Zhouqu, Gansu Province and the extremely heavy rain in Songhuajiang River region occurred just in this stage. The meridional circulation over the Eurasia developed exceptionally during 2010 summer and the meridional cell of the upper level jet stream was great, causing cold air from high latitudes and warm air from low latitudes to interact continuously. This induced the establishing, strengthening, and maintaining of high latitude blocking high in western Russian, and low latitude severe floods in Pakistan and rainstorm in mid latitudes of China. Monsoons acted as a key factor for the heavy rains and floods with the display of interaction of two warm and humid air flows from the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal and the southward cold air flow along the blocking high over northern Pakistan, as well as the interaction of warm and humid air flows from the Indian Ocean and the Pacific and the moisture from westerlies over northeastern China and the Korea Peninsula.
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WANG Xiaoling,DING Yihui,2013.Evolution of the Exceptional Blocking High over Eurasia and Its Impact on Weather and Climate in 2010 Summer[J].Meteor Mon,39(9):1089-1095.