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中文摘要: 由于下垫面的复杂性,卫星近地面通道的辐射率资料没有得到充分开发和利用。就我国自主研发的GRAPES 3DVar而言,红外高光谱近地面通道资料还没有应用于陆地,即使在下垫面相对简单的海洋,由于背景场海表温度估计不够准确,红外高光谱资料的使用效果也不甚理想。针对GRAPES模式的背景场海表温度估计不够准确这一问题,本文利用大气红外探测仪器AIRS(The Atmospheric Infrared Sounder)辐射率观测资料通过一维变分(1DVar)方法对其晴空视场点内的背景场海表温度进行调整,再运用GRAPES全球分析预报系统进行同化分析,研究了海表温度调整后对分析场的影响。结果表明,利用一维变分调整后的海表温度不仅使得低层通道的模拟亮温与观测亮温更加匹配,而且有效地改进了分析场,对位势高度场高、中、低层均有不错的改进,对低层湿度场以及风场的改进也较为明显。
Abstract:Because of the complexity of underlying surface, satellite radiation data near surface has not been fully developed and used. Infrared hyperspectral data near surface has not been applied on land in our GRAPES model, either, and even on the ocean where the underlying surface is simple relatively, the effect of using infrared spectral data is not very satisfied due to the inaccurate estimation of the sea surface temperature of the GRAPES model’s background. In view of the question that the estimation of the sea surface temperature is inaccurate, this paper uses one dimensional variational (1DVar) method to adjust the background sea surface temperature when the FOV (field of view) of AIRS (The Atmospheric Infrared Sounder) is clear, and utilizes the GRAPES model to do cycle assimilation, then researches the influence of the analytic fields after adjusting the sea surface temperature. The results indicate that using 1DVar to adjust temperature not only makes the simulated brightness temperature in the low level channels better match the observated brightness temperature, but also effectively improves the analytic fields. Besides, the geopotential height fields in the low, middle and upper atmosphere are all improved well, and the humidity fields and the wind fields in the lower atmosphere are also obviously improved.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 |
金大智 | 南京信息工程大学数理学院,南京 210044 |
李刚 | 南京信息工程大学数理学院,南京 210044 |
张华 | 南京信息工程大学数理学院,南京 210044 |
朱文刚 | 国家气象中心,北京 100081 |
AJIN Dazhi,LI Gang,ZHNG Hua,ZHU Wengang,2013.Application Research on Infrared Hyperspectral Data Near Surface: An Experiment on Assimilating Observation Data over Sea[J].Meteor Mon,39(6):675-680.
AJIN Dazhi,LI Gang,ZHNG Hua,ZHU Wengang,2013.Application Research on Infrared Hyperspectral Data Near Surface: An Experiment on Assimilating Observation Data over Sea[J].Meteor Mon,39(6):675-680.