(1.广东省江门市新会区气象局, 江门 529100;2.江门市气象局,江门 529030;3.北京大学物理学院大气与海洋科学系,北京 100871)
A Study on Climatic Characters in High Frequency Period of Thunderstorm in Jiangmen of Guangdong Province
(1.Jiangmen Xinhui District Meteorological Office of Guangdong Province, Jiangmen 529100;2.Jiangmen Meteorological Office, Jiangmen 529030;3.Department of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences, School of Physics, Peking University, Beijing 100871)
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投稿时间:2011-10-30    修订日期:2012-06-01
中文摘要: 使用江门市1961—2010年和广东省其他20个地级市1971—2010年期间的逐日雷暴日数资料,用频率分析和主因子分析等方法,对江门地区雷暴多发期的气候特征进行了研究。结果表明,江门地区的雷暴气候特征与广东省其他市的相关性高,其雷暴发生的气候规律在广东地区有很强的代表性。江门地区的雷暴多发期为4—9月;其中雷暴多发期又分为4—6月和8—9月的前、后雷暴多发期,7月为过渡期。前雷暴多发期有先下降然后上升的气候变化趋势,突变年份是1983年,与西风带大气环流的20世纪80年代初的突变对应。在候尺度的突变分析中,发现突变出现在5月第4候,与很多研究公认的南海夏季风的平均爆发日期一致。
Abstract:The data of daily thunderstorm in Jiangmen City during 1961-2010 and the other twenty cities of Guangdong Province during 1971-2010 are used in the study of the high frequency period of thunderstorm, through the method of frequency analysis and the principal component analysis (PCA). The results show that, the climate characteristics of thunderstorms in Jiangmen City have the high correlation with the other cities of Guangdong Province, and the thunderstorm’s climate law is of the very strong representative in Guangdong area. The high frequency period of the thunderstorm is concentrated in the April-September period. Furthermore, it can be divided into the early phase (April-June period) and the later phase (August-September period), and July is a transition period. The climate change trend of the early phase high frequency thunderstorm is dropping first and then rising, with the abrupt change year being 1983. It is corresponding to the abrupt change of the atmospheric circulation in the westerly zone at the beginning of 1980s. Analysis of pentad scale reveals that the abrupt change occurs at the fourth pentad in May, just the South China Sea summer wind outbreak period.
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LIN Zhuohong,LIANG Minyan,LIANG Jun,LU Zi’an,HUANG Jiayou,2012.A Study on Climatic Characters in High Frequency Period of Thunderstorm in Jiangmen of Guangdong Province[J].Meteor Mon,38(12):1502-1507.