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投稿时间:2011-06-29 修订日期:2012-02-21
投稿时间:2011-06-29 修订日期:2012-02-21
中文摘要: 为研究天津城区秋、冬季雾霾等低能见度天气下气溶胶污染特征,采用2009年10—12月的大气能见度及相关气象和环境监测数据,并结合一次典型雾霾事件分析PM10和PM2.5质量浓度演化过程及其垂直分布特征。结果表明,低能见度天气占秋、冬季观测时长的一半以上,其中以霾天气为主;典型低能见度过程分析显示,霾日近地层内PM2.5分布均匀,表现出显著的区域污染特征;雾日气溶胶质量浓度先升高后下降,系气溶胶粒子吸湿性增长与导致可溶性组份溶出的湿清除协同作用,低层PM2.5质量浓度显著高于较高层,其垂直分布差异与相对湿度的垂直变化和逆温层高度有关。
中文关键词: 雾, 霾, 气溶胶, 垂直分布, 能见度
Abstract:To research the pollution characteristics of aerosols during low visibility weather in Tianjin, the observational data of visibility, PM10 and PM2.5 mass concentrations and meteorological factors in the autumn and winter of 2009 were studied. At the same time a case of low visibility was analyzed to find out the evolvement processes and vertical distributions of atmospheric aerosol mass concentrations. The results have indicated that most of low visibility weather cases are in haze, accounting for half of the samples or more. Analysis of the typical low visibility process has shown that PM2.5 follows a uniform distribution in haze days with significant regional pollution characteristics. The aerosol mass concentration is increased first and then decreased in foggy days because of both hygroscopic growth of aerosols and wet clearing due to the dissolution of soluble components. PM2.5 mass concentrations in the surface layer are more than those in higher layers, depending on the vertical variation of RH and the inversion layer height.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 |
姚青 | 天津市气象科学研究所,天津 300061 中国气象局云雾物理环境重点开放实验室,北京 100081 |
蔡子颖 | 天津市气象科学研究所,天津 300061 |
韩素芹 | 天津市气象科学研究所,天津 300061 |
曲平 | 天津市气象科学研究所,天津 300061 |
YAO Qing,CAI Ziying,HAN Suqin,QU Ping,2012.Study on the Pollution Characteristics of Aerosols During Low Visibility Weather at Tianjin City in Autumn and Winter 2009[J].Meteor Mon,38(9):1096-1102.
YAO Qing,CAI Ziying,HAN Suqin,QU Ping,2012.Study on the Pollution Characteristics of Aerosols During Low Visibility Weather at Tianjin City in Autumn and Winter 2009[J].Meteor Mon,38(9):1096-1102.