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投稿时间:2011-03-22 修订日期:2012-05-28
投稿时间:2011-03-22 修订日期:2012-05-28
中文摘要: 在总结柘溪水库多年人工增雨发电试验经验的基础上,通过分析资水流域的气候特征、防汛形势、发电需求和安全生产要求,确定了柘溪水库人工增雨作业的适宜时段。通过分析近5年资水流域37次典型降雨日的天气形势和降雨特征,将影响流域降水的主要天气系统归类分型为西风带降雨系统、东风带降雨系统和地形云,并进一步确定了柘溪水库人工增雨作业的优化布局和作业方式。在分析库区特大致洪暴雨典型个例的基础上,找出了柘溪水库人工增雨作业需要规避的强降雨自然灾害高风险区域。
中文关键词: 大型水库, 人工增雨, 优化
Abstract:On the basis of the successful experience of artificial precipitation experiment summarized at Zhexi Reservoir during many years, the climatic characteristics, the situation of flood control, the electrical power requirement and the safe production requests over the Zishui Basin are analyzed, and the suitable time period of artificial precipitation operation at Zhexi Reservoir are defined. According to the analysis of 37 synoptic cases and precipitation characteristics of the typical precipitation day in the recent five years, the main cause for precipitation is attributed to the westerly system, easterly system and orographical clouds. Moreover, the optimized layout and operation mode of artificial precipitation operation at Zhexi Reservoir are proposed. After discussing a typical example of torrential rain leading to flood in the reservoir area, we found that the artificial precipitation operation at Zhexi Reservoir needs avoiding the high risk areas of the heavy rainfall caused natural disasters. The effect and benefit of artificial precipitation operations at Zhexi Reservoir are significantly increased throught practical application, and this method is available for reference to artificial precipitation experiments at other large reservoirs.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 |
樊志超 | 湖南省人工影响天气领导小组办公室,长沙 410007 |
周盛 | 湖南省气象台,长沙 410007 |
高继林 | 湖南省人工影响天气领导小组办公室,长沙 410007 |
彭月 | 长沙市气象局,长沙 410205 |
FAN Zhichao,ZHOU Sheng,GAO Jilin,PENG Yue,2012.Study on the Optimum Operation of Artificial Precipitation in Zhexi Reservoir of Hunan Province[J].Meteor Mon,38(8):997-1003.
FAN Zhichao,ZHOU Sheng,GAO Jilin,PENG Yue,2012.Study on the Optimum Operation of Artificial Precipitation in Zhexi Reservoir of Hunan Province[J].Meteor Mon,38(8):997-1003.