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投稿时间:2012-04-16 修订日期:2012-06-27
投稿时间:2012-04-16 修订日期:2012-06-27
中文摘要: 利用地面常规与加密自动站降水观测、卫星云图、NCEP FNL全球分析等资料对2008年10月12—14日海南持续暴雨天气过程进行诊断分析。分析表明:热带低压、冷空气以及副热带高压三者的相互作用,导致海南低空出现持续的东(东南)风急流,该急流在海南东部沿海形成的向岸风辐合及地形强迫抬升是MCS的重要触发机制,其暖湿输送作用是暴雨区不稳定能量得以循环建立的主要途径。南海东北风冷涌前沿强辐合、潜热加热以及高空强辐散有利于热带扰动的发展与维持。热带低压与冷空气相互作用导致大气斜压性增强,地转强迫作用与惯性振荡机制使得低压北侧东北风急流加强。东北与东南急流之间的形变与辐合导致持续锋生过程,锋生强迫产生的热力直接环流上升支与低空急流左前侧次级环流上升支是对流系统发展的主要动力触发机制,低空强潜热加热也有利于对流向更高层次发展。
中文关键词: 持续暴雨, 热带低压, 冷锋, 低空急流, 锋生
Abstract:Based on the conventional surface and intensive AWS rainfall data, satellite cloud images, and NCEP FNL global analysis datasets, the rainfall event over Hainan in autumn 2008 is studied. The results show that, interaction among the tropical depression, cold surge, and subtropical high induces the persistent low level easterly/southeasterly jet, which is an important trigger mechanism for MCS by the formation of on shore convergence and topographic lifting. The warm moist air transported by the low level jet is the main reason for the repeated development of convective instability. The strong low level convergence ahead of cold surge, latent heat release, and upper level divergence are benefitial to the developing and maintaining of tropical depression. The interaction between tropical depression and cold surge increases the baroclinicity, which would reinforce the low level northeasterly jet by quasi geostrophic and inertial oscillation processes. The strong convergence and deformation between the northeasterly and southeasterly jets result in the persistent frontogenesis. The ascending branch of direct thermal circulation forced by frontogenesis and the secondary circulation associated with low level jet are the main dynamic mechanism for the development of convective systems. And strong latent heat at low levels also leads convective systems to develop more vigorously.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
基金项目:中国气象局预报员专项项目(CMAYBY2012 075)和公益性行业(气象)科研专项(GYHY201106003)共同资助
MA Xuekuan,FU Jiaolan,CAO Dianbin,2012.Study on Physical Mechanism of the Persistent Heavy Rainfall Event in Autumn 2008 over Hainan[J].Meteor Mon,38(7):795-803.
MA Xuekuan,FU Jiaolan,CAO Dianbin,2012.Study on Physical Mechanism of the Persistent Heavy Rainfall Event in Autumn 2008 over Hainan[J].Meteor Mon,38(7):795-803.