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投稿时间:2010-11-07 修订日期:2011-09-05
投稿时间:2010-11-07 修订日期:2011-09-05
中文摘要: 利用2009年上海浦东新区气象站高时间分辨率的能见度资料及其同步地面气象要素资料,在气块静力稳定的假设下研究了由于辐射冷却引起的霾或雾在演变的各阶段气溶胶吸湿性增长及其消光系数随相对湿度的变化,结果表明: 气溶胶吸湿性增长率f(RH)随相对湿度的增长具有先慢后快平滑连续的特点;气溶胶吸湿性增长率在不同季节有所差异,在夏季和秋季较高,在冬季和春季时较低;平均而言,当相对湿度从40%增大到95%时,气溶胶吸湿性增长率可达6.6;对比国内外实验和观测结果,发现f(RH)随相对湿度的变化曲线与硫酸
中文关键词: 能见度, 水汽密度, 气溶胶, 吸湿性增长率
Abstract:The absorption of water by ambient aerosols and the influence of ambient relative humidity on the extinction coefficient are investigated under the assumptions that the atmosphere is in static stability during low visibility process caused by radiative cooling using the continuous observations data (visibility, relative humidity, temperature, wind etc.) from Shanghai Pudong automatic weather stations in 2009. The subtle features of meteorological elements are also studied with such high temporal resolution (1 min) data. The results show that the hygroscopic growth factor f(RH) of the extinction coefficient increased continuously with RH and featured a first slow then quick uptrend. The curves obtained from different seasons show that f(RH) was relatively higher in summer and autumn than that in winter and spring. Overall, the average f(RH) in 7 cases could reach to 6.6 when RH increased from less than 40% to 95%. We also present comparisons with other researches in the world, and the result shows that the behavior of the average of hygroscopic growth factor of the extinction coefficient in the cases is similar to the calculated growth factor of the scattering coefficient for ammonium sulfate. Further study also shows that the decrease of relative humidity is lagging about 1-2 hours behind the increase of temperature and visibility, which is conjectured that the humidity sensor fails to change quickly enough to measure the variation of relative humidity of the local air mass.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 |
毕 凯 | 中国气象科学研究院人工影响天气中心,北京 100081 北京市人工影响天气办公室,北京 100089 |
王广河 | 中国气象科学研究院人工影响天气中心,北京 100081 |
毛节泰 | 北京大学物理学院大气科学系,北京 100871 |
毕 凯,王广河,毛节泰,2012.2009年上海浦东新区能见度资料的深度分析——兼论高时间分辨率地面观测资料的应用[J].气象,38(2):220-227.
Bi Kai,Wang Guanghe,Mao Jietai,2012.In Depth Analysis on Atmospheric Visibility in Shanghai Pudong 2009——Concurrently on Applying Surface Meteorological Data with High Temporal Resolution[J].Meteor Mon,38(2):220-227.
毕 凯,王广河,毛节泰,2012.2009年上海浦东新区能见度资料的深度分析——兼论高时间分辨率地面观测资料的应用[J].气象,38(2):220-227.
Bi Kai,Wang Guanghe,Mao Jietai,2012.In Depth Analysis on Atmospheric Visibility in Shanghai Pudong 2009——Concurrently on Applying Surface Meteorological Data with High Temporal Resolution[J].Meteor Mon,38(2):220-227.