(1.陕西省西安市气象局, 西安 710016;2.陕西省气象台, 西安 710015;3.南京信息工程大学经管学院, 南京 210044;4.西安财经学院统计学院, 西安 710049;5.陕西省防雷中心, 西安 710004)
Efficiency Assessment of Shaanxi Meteorological Resources Based on Data Envelopment Analysis
(1 Xi’an Meteorological Service, Xi’an 710016;2 Shaanxi Provincial Meteorological Observatory, Xi’an 710016;3 College of Economics and Management, Nanjing University of Information Science and Techology, Nanjing 210044;4 School of Statistics Xi’an University of Finance and Economics, Xi’an 710100;5 Shaanxi Provincial Lightning Protection Center, Xi’an 710004)
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投稿时间:2011-03-04    修订日期:2011-05-04
中文摘要: 将数据包络分析法(DEA)应用于陕西气象资源效率评估,计算全省气象行业2007—2009年运行的综合效率值、技术效率值和规模效率值,得出综合效率和规模效率有所下降,而技术效率有所提升。其中,2009年技术效率均值为3年来最高,而2007年技术效率值为3年来最低。构造基于面板数据的气象计量经济模型对各影响效率的因素进行计量分析,气象服务用户群及公众满意度指数、农业产出GDP值占区域GDP总值的比重和资金投入强度与气象部门产出的综合效率值呈正向关系,学术论文发表数量与综合效率值呈反向关系。据此提出提升资源效率有效性的对策。
Abstract:Using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA in short) method to assess the efficiency of Shaanxi meteorological resources, the synthetic efficiency, technical efficiency, and scale efficiency of Shaanxi meteorological services were calculated from 2007 to 2009 and the general state is as follows. The averages of synthetic efficiency and scale efficiency have somewhat decreases, while technical efficiency increases. Their comparison shows that technical efficiency has top value in 2009 and the lowest in 2007. According to values of both synthetic efficiency and scale efficiency, they have top values in 2008 and the lowest in 2009. Factors affecting efficiency are analyzed by econometric modeling using Panel Data Model. Results show that CSIWSs (Customs and the public Satisfaction Index of Weather Services), and proportion of agricultural yields and investing funds have significant positive relationships with synthetic efficiency, and the number of academic papers constitutes a reverse relation with synthetic efficiency. According to those analyses, some effective countermeasures are put forward.
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罗 慧,赵奎峰,巩在武,冯 丽,姚东升,王百朋,张朝临,2011.基于数据包络分析法的陕西气象资源效率评估[J].气象,37(11):1438-1442.
Luo Hui,Zhao Kuifeng,Gong Zaiwu,Feng Li,Yao Dongsheng,Wang Baipeng,Zhang Chaolin,2011.Efficiency Assessment of Shaanxi Meteorological Resources Based on Data Envelopment Analysis[J].Meteor Mon,37(11):1438-1442.