(1.重庆市气象台,重庆 401147;2.国家气象中心,北京 100081;3.北京市气象台,北京 100089;4.重庆梁平县气象局,梁平 405200)
The Causation Analysis of the 6 May 2010 Severe Windstorm Weather Process in Chongqing
(1.Chongqing Meteorological Observatory, Chongqing 401147;2.National Meteorological Centre, Beijing 100081;3.Beijing Meteorological Observatory, Beijing 100089;4.Liangping Meteorological Station, Chongqing 405200)
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投稿时间:2010-09-08    修订日期:2011-03-23
中文摘要: 利用常规观测、NCEP分析场及雷达、自动站等资料对重庆“5.6”强风雹天气的成因进行了分析,结果表明:冷锋和副热带高空急流在风雹发生地近乎重叠的配置结构促进了次级环流的形成并有利于上升运动的强烈发展;风暴天气发生前,下垫面强烈加热、低层增温增湿、中高层干冷对大气对流不稳定性增强的作用显著;对流有效位能(CAPE)、K指数、SI指数高值区边缘的强指数梯度区、对流抑制(CIN)的小值区以及较强的垂直风切变对大风冰雹的预报有重要的指示意义;雷达回波显示多单体风暴具有三体散射、弱回波区等冰雹回波特征,中层径向辐合和反射率因子核心的反复上升下降也是形成地面大风和冰雹的重要特征;四川盆地东部东北—西南向山脉对冷空气的移动有阻挡作用,山脉之间的槽状地形为多单体风暴的持续发展保留了较大的空间,明月山南麓的地形起到了强迫抬升和触发的作用,由于地形的阻挡形成狭管效应,加强了下击暴流形成的地面大风,是形成11级大风的重要因素。
Abstract:The causes for the 6 May 2010 severe windstorm were analyzed in Chongqing by using conventional observations, NCEP analysis fields, radar and AWS (automatic weather station) data, etc. The results showed that the almost overlapping configuration structure of the cold front and the subtropical upper jet promoted the formation of secondary circulation with contributing to the development of strong upward motion near the windstorm area. It was significant that the atmospheric convective instability was strengthened by the underlying surface strong heating, the low temperature and humidity increasing and the dry cold air in the middle high level in the day before the storm, which made for the formation of thunderstorm. The strong index gradient areas at the edge of the CAPE, K, SI high value area and the CIN small value regions were significant indicators to forecast the strong wind and hail. The radar echo was characterized by three body scattering, weak echo area, and hail echo. The mid level radial convergence and the reflectivity core up and down repeatedly were also the important features of the surface gale and hail formation. The northeast southwest oriented mountain range blocked the cold air moving direction in eastern Sichuan Basin. The trough shaped terrain provided a larger space for the sustained development of multi cell storm between the mountains. The south terrain of Mingyue Mountain played a role of uplifting and triggering. The narrow tube effect of terrain blocking enhanced the formation of downburst leading to the surface high wind, which was the important reason for the formation of 11 rank gales.
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CHEN Guichuan,CHEN Yun,QIAO Lin,LIU De,LI Qiang,ZHANG Yaping,WANG Wenfang,ZHANG Yan,2011.The Causation Analysis of the 6 May 2010 Severe Windstorm Weather Process in Chongqing[J].Meteor Mon,37(7):871-879.