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(国家气象中心,北京 100081)
Introduction and Examination of Potential Forecast for Strong Convective Weather at National Level
(National Meteorological Centre, Beijing 100081)
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投稿时间:2011-01-05    修订日期:2011-06-04
中文摘要: 为了推动我国现阶段天气预报业务向专业化和精细化方向发展,国家气象中心自2009年组建了强天气预报中心并开展了国家级强对流落区潜势预报业务。开发了基于加密自动气象站WS报、全国闪电定位监测网、FY系列卫星以及雷达组网等多种实况观测资料的强对流实时监测产品,制定了基于MICAPS 3.0业务平台的《中尺度天气分析规范》,研发了基于全球模式T639以及区域中尺度模式GRAPES RUC、WRF EPS等模式输出量的强对流动力热力参数的诊断分析产品及潜势预报方法,建立了国家级强对流天气实时预报业务并发布雷暴、雷雨大风和冰雹、短时强降水等分类落区预报指导产品。对2010年4—9月国家级预报产品进行的客观检验结果表明:6小时间隔雷暴TS评分为18%,短时强降雨为2.6%,冰雹和雷雨大风为2.1%;12小时间隔雷暴TS评分为18.4%,短时强降雨为4.1%,冰雹和雷雨大风为1.3%。
Abstract:To promote the process of weather forecasting to be more professional and accurate, the potential forecast for predicting severe weather area has been conducted by Severe Weather Prediction Center in NMC since 2009. Real time products for monitoring strong convective weather based on severe weather report from automatic weather stations, observations from national lightning monitoring network, FY series satellite and radar networking etc. have been put in use. Criterion for mesoscale weather analysis has been established in MICAPS V3.0 system. The diagnostic products of mesoscale convective system outputted by the application of T639 global model, GRAPES RUC model and WRF EPS model have been developed. Guiding products for predicting classified severe weather (thunderstorm, hail and gale) area have also been issued. Prediction qualities were examined and assessed from April to September in 2009. The results show that the 6 hour interval TS scores of thunderstorm, local torrential rain, and hail and gale are 18%, 2.6%, and 2.1% separately, while 12 hour interval TS scores for each are 18.4%, 4.1% and 1.3%, respectively.
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HE Lifu,ZHOU Qingliang,CHEN Yun,TANG Wenyuan,ZHANG Tao,LAN Yu,2011.Introduction and Examination of Potential Forecast for Strong Convective Weather at National Level[J].Meteor Mon,37(7):777-784.