(广东省气候中心, 广州 510080)
Climatic Characteristics and Variations of Haze Days and Fog Days in South China
(Climate Center of Guangdong Province, Guangzhou 510080)
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投稿时间:2010-08-27    修订日期:2010-09-29
中文摘要: 利用华南192个测站1961—2008年的地面气象观测资料,采用线性趋势分析、Mann Kendall检验、计算气候趋势系数等统计诊断方法,分析了华南年霾日、雾日的时空特征和变化。结果表明:珠江三角洲、广东西北部和广西东北部为多霾区,海南为极少霾区;华南有三个多雾区,分别位于海南中西部地区,两广的西北部地区。两广雾日呈由内陆向沿海递减的趋势。华南平均年霾日以5.8天/10年的速率显著增加,明显高于全国平均(3.19天/10年)。华南年霾日长期变化趋势有明显的空间差异,在珠江三角洲、广东西北部以及广西中部和东北部增加最明显,增加中心在深圳(38.8天/10年)。华南平均年雾日以-0.8天/10年的速率明显减少。但华南站点雾日变化存在明显差异,广东东部和南部、广西西部和北部边缘地区以及海南的大部分地区,雾日减少明显,减少最大在海南保亭(-16.8天/10年),增加最大在海南白沙(20.7天/10年)。华南年霾日在1989年发生增加的突变,雾日在1995年发生减少的突变。
Abstract:Based on the surface observation data of 192 meteorological stations during 1961-2008 in South China, the climatic characteristics and variations of haze days and fog days in South China were studied by using statistical diagnostic methods, such as linear regression analysis, Mann Kendall test and the computation of trend coefficients. The results showed that haze days were more in the Pearl River Delta area,northwest areas of Guangdong and northeast areas of Guangxi, the fewest areas of hazes were in Hainan. There were three more fog regions in South China: the middle and western area of Hainan, northeast area of Guangxi and Guangdong, the annual mean fog days showed a decreasing trend from inland to coastal regions. The annual haze days in South China have increased obviously at a mean rate of 5.8 d/10a, it was more than that of the country mean (3.19 d/10a) obviously. There were obvious regional differences in the variable trend of annual haze days in South China, the increasing trends of haze days were obvious in the Pearl River Delta area, northwest areas of Guangdong, the middle and northeast areas of Guangxi, the increasing center was in Shenzhen (38.8 d/10a). The annual fog days in South China have decreased obviously at a mean rate of -0.8 d/10a, it displayed significant regional differences in South China. The fog days have decreased obviously in eastern and southern Guangdong, western and northern Guangxi, most parts of Hainan. The largest decreasing rate was in Baoting of Hainan (-16.8 d/10a), the largest increasing rate was in Baisha of Hainan (20.7 d/10a). The annual mean haze days had an abrupt change in 1989, fog days had an abrupt change in 1995.
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基金项目:中国气象局气候变化专项(CCSF 09 11),“十一五”国家科技支撑计划(2006BAD04B03)和广州区域气象中心项目(GRMC2007202)共同资助
WU Hongyu,DU Yaodong,HE Jian,PAN Weijuan,2011.Climatic Characteristics and Variations of Haze Days and Fog Days in South China[J].Meteor Mon,37(5):607-614.