地面和卫星降水产品对台风莫拉克 降水监测能力的对比分析
(国家气象信息中心,北京 100081)
Assessment on the Rainfall Monitoring of Typhoon Morakot by Ground-Gauged and Satellite Precipitation Products
(National Meteorological Information Centre, Beijing 100081)
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投稿时间:2010-04-08    修订日期:2011-01-19
中文摘要: 本文以2009年台风莫拉克为例,利用分布密集的自动站观测降水资料比较分析了国家气象信息中心研发的地面降水分析产品CPAP和卫星反演降水产品CMORPH、FY2C等对强天气过程降水的监测能力。结果表明:CPAP准确地把握了这次台风登陆过程中降水的空间分布和强度,但由于海洋区域无站点分布,CPAP无法展现一个完整的台风降水空间结构;CMORPH能够合理地描述完整的台风降水空间结构及其演变特征,但与地面观测相比,其降水中心的位置差异较大,且量值普遍偏低;FY2C的降水在陆地与海洋出现了严重的结构不连续的现象,对台风降水空间结构的描述不如CMORPH合理。由此可见,选择对降水空间结构描述完整且合理的卫星降水产品与精度较高的地面观测降水融合,结合两者的优势,是发展高质量降水分析产品的一种有效途径。
Abstract:Based on the automatic weather stations (AWS) precipitation data, an assessment of multi precipitation products is conducted on the rainfall monitoring of typhoon Morakot in the August of 2009. The results show that, the CPAP (China Precipitation Analysis Product) daily grid precipitation data display an accurate spacial distribution and rain intensity on the land, but not in ocean because of the limitation of station distribution. Compared to the ground gauged rainfall measurements, the method CMORPH can well present an exact spiral rain belt around typhoon eye, and also its evolvement, but the location of maximal rainfall center rooted in the rain belt deviates greatly from the actuality. And the intensity of rainfall in the CMORPH is much weaker than that in gauged. In oceans, FY2C does not perform as good as the CMORPH owing to its discontinued rainfall distribution along the coastal areas. Taking the advantages of the gauged rainfall (accuracy) and the CMORPH (pattern), we may get a high quality precipitation product.
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潘旸,宇婧婧,廖捷,余予,2011.地面和卫星降水产品对台风莫拉克 降水监测能力的对比分析[J].气象,37(5):564-570.
PAN Yang,YU Jingjing,LIAO Jie,YU Yu,2011.Assessment on the Rainfall Monitoring of Typhoon Morakot by Ground-Gauged and Satellite Precipitation Products[J].Meteor Mon,37(5):564-570.