(国家气候中心, 北京 100081)
Climatic Characters in 2010’ China
(National Climate Center, Beijing 100081)
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投稿时间:2011-02-10    修订日期:2011-03-21
中文摘要: 2010年,中国年平均气温较常年偏高0.7 ℃,是1961年以来第10个最暖年,夏季气温达1961年以来历史同期最高。年降水量681 mm,比常年偏多11.1%,为1961年以来第2多。年内,极端天气气候事件频发:西南地区发生历史罕见秋冬春特大干旱。东北、华北发生近40年罕见冬春持续低温,新疆北部出现有气象记录以来最为严重的雪灾。 5—7月华南、江南遭受14次暴雨袭击,7月中旬至9月上旬北方和西部地区遭受10次暴雨袭击,10月海南出现历史罕见持续性强降水过程,甘肃舟曲等地因局地强降水引发严重山洪、泥石流、滑坡等地质灾害。夏季高温频繁,强度强,范围大,初夏东北多地最高气温突破历史极值。热带气旋登陆比例高,影响区域集中,台风灿都、凡亚比造成损失较重。重庆出现近20余年来最严重风雹灾害,人员伤亡大。春季,强沙尘暴影响范围广,横扫21省(区、市)。2010年,中国气象灾害属于21世纪以来最为严重的年份,直接经济损失和死亡人数均为近10年来最多。
Abstract:In 2010, the annual mean temperature was 0.7 ℃ higher than normal, which ranked the 10th warmest year since 1961. And it was the warmest summer mean temperature since 1961. Annual precipitation in China was 681 mm, 11.1% more than normal, which ranked the second most since 1961. During this year, extreme weather and climate events happened frequently. Southwest China experienced the rare severe autumn-winter-spring drought. In winter and spring, unusual persistent low temperature hit Northeast and North China. The most serious snowstorm attacked northern Xinjiang, which broke the historical record. From May to July, heavy rainstorm attacked southern China 14 times. From mid July to early September, severe rainstorm and induced flood attacked northern and western China 10 times. In early and mid October, seldom consecutive heavy rainstorm appeared in Hainan Province. Serious geological hazards such as mountain torrents, mud rock flow and mudslide happened in Zhugqu of Gansu Province and other sporadic places. In summer, frequent hot waves happened widely and intensely. In early summer, the weather in Northeast China was very hot and the maximum temperature in many areas broke historical records. The number of tropical cyclones was below normal, while the proportion of landing was high. The affected regions concentrated in South China. Typhoons Chanthu and Fanapi brought serious losses. The worst strong wind and hail hazards in recent 20 years occurred in Chongqing and caused heavy casualties. In spring, the strong dust storm affected 21 provinces. In general, in 2010, the losses caused by meteorological hazards were the most since 2000. The direct economic losses and mortalities or the missing caused by meteorological hazards were the most in recent 10 years.
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WANG Zunya,ZENG Hongling,GAO Ge,CHEN Yu,SI Dong,LIU Bo,2011.Climatic Characters in 2010’ China[J].Meteor Mon,37(4):439-445.