(1.南京信息工程大学大气科学学院, 南京 210044;2.国家气象中心, 北京 100081;3.武汉暴雨研究所, 武汉 430074)
Observation and Numerical Simulation Analysis of the Severe Sand Storm over Northern China in April of 2009
(1.School of Atmospheric Sciences, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing 210044;2.National Meteorological Center, Beijing 100081;3.Institute of Heave Rain, CMA, Wuhan 430074)
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投稿时间:2010-03-17    修订日期:2010-09-29
中文摘要: 利用观测资料对2009年春季4月22—24日强沙尘暴过程的近地面气象要素(气温、气压、风速)变化和PM10进行分析。结果表明:蒙古气旋和冷锋是这次强沙尘暴的主要影响系统;沙尘暴过程前后温、压和风速有剧烈变化;PM10的强度能较好地反映沙尘暴强度。在观测资料分析基础上,利用沙尘暴数值预报系统对此次过程进行了模拟,采用模拟结果对地面沙尘浓度和起沙进行了分析。结果表明:模式能较好地模拟出这次沙尘天气的时间和空间演变特征,模拟沙尘浓度大值区与强沙尘暴的范围较为一致,比较白天早间和下午的沙尘浓度分布,发现其具有日变化;这次大范围的沙尘天气的起沙中心分别是南疆塔里木盆地、甘肃、内蒙古的西部及蒙古国南部,垂直沙通量超过50 mg·m-2·s-1;沙尘浓度垂直输送的高度在550 hPa以下,起沙后的沙尘粒子主要靠对流层低层的大风长距离地输送;对不同地区起沙过程贡献最大的沙尘粒子的粒径不尽相同,但是对起沙量贡献最大的是粒径在2 μm<d≤11 μm的沙尘粒子。
Abstract:A severe dust storm over northern China in April of 2009 (i.e., 22-24 April) is studied. Firstly, the relationship between the meteorological variables at surface, PM10 and the intensity of dust storm on April 22, 2009 is analyzed. The results show that Mongolian cyclone and its cold front are the main system producing the strong dust storm. The temperature, surface pressure, wind and PM10 are closely related to the intensity of the dust storm. Secondly, an integrated dust storm modeling system is employed to simulate this process. The simulation results show that the modeling system is capable for better describing the main characteristics of dust storm. And the scope of simulated dust concentration value is consistent with the strong dust storm. Comparing with the morning and afternoon dust concentration distribution, we find it has daily change. The dust emission areas with vertical sand flux over 50 mg·m-2·s-1 are Tarim Basin, Gansu Province, western Inner Mongolia and southern Mongolia. The vertical transportation of dust concentration is below 550 hPa, and the horizontal transportation of dust is driven by strong wind in middle lower level troposphere. The particle size which contributes significantly to the dust emission is different due to the variety of land, however, the quantities of particles with diameter from 2 μm<d≤11 μm are predominated. The scope of simulated dust concentration value is consistent with the strong dust storm.
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WANG Lijuan,ZHAO Linna,SHOU Shaowen,WNAG Junchao,2011.Observation and Numerical Simulation Analysis of the Severe Sand Storm over Northern China in April of 2009[J].Meteor Mon,37(3):309-317.