(1.贵州省气象台, 贵阳 550002;2.贵州省气候中心, 贵阳 550002)
Discussion on Genesis of Wire Icing in Guizhou During the Freezing Rain and Snow Storm in January 2008
(1.Guizhou Meteorological Observatory, Guiyang 550002;2.Guizhou Climate Center, Guiyang 550002)
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投稿时间:2009-12-17    修订日期:2010-07-26
中文摘要: 利用气象电线积冰观测资料、探空观测数据、自动站资料以及NCEP再分析资料,分析2008年低温冰冻雨雪灾害天气过程中贵州电线积冰的分布特点,讨论了贵州电线积冰的气象条件,并对电线积冰的融冰条件进行了讨论。分析认为此次低温冰冻雨雪灾害天气过程中,贵州电线积冰严重,积冰范围广、时间长,相对而言贵州中东部地区积冰较厚;贵州电线积冰主要是雨凇、雾凇或者雨凇、雾凇形成的混合积冰;静止锋降水和锋面逆温在雨凇的形成过程中起着重要的作用;气温较长时间维持在0~-5 ℃及低层水汽充沛决定了电线的积冰及其增长,积冰融化时,相对湿度在85%以下,积冰停止发展,且融冰快慢与局地升温程度有关。
Abstract:Using the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data and observation data (8 times daily) from the Central Meteorological Observatory from January 10 to February 2, 2008, we analyzed the characters of spatial temporal structure about temperature inversion layers, the variability of intensity of the four freezing rain processes happening in southern China and the relationship between them. The results show that the third out of the four main freezing rain processes is the strongest, then is followed by the second, and the first is the weakest process. Meanwhile, there is a close relationship between the strength variability of freezing rain and reversion layers, which could be revealed either from the regional average value or from the horizontal distribution. Furthermore, the thicknesses and altitudes of the cold layer, the warm layer and the whole inversion layer are able to affect the formation of the freezing rain, but the influence on the strength of the freezing rain is not significant. The results provide a good idea for forecasting the variability of the freezing rain, which is of reference value.
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LI Dengwen,YANG Jing,WU Xingyang,2011.Discussion on Genesis of Wire Icing in Guizhou During the Freezing Rain and Snow Storm in January 2008[J].Meteor Mon,37(2):161-169.