(1.成都信息工程学院, 成都 610225;2.国家气象中心, 北京 100081)
Distribution and Spatiotemporal Variations of Deep Convective Clouds over China During the Warm Season
(1.Chengdu University of Information Technology, Chengdu 610225;2.National Meteorological Center, Beijing 100081)
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投稿时间:2009-11-25    修订日期:2010-05-05
中文摘要: 本文利用1996—2008年近12年3—10月(无2004年资料,部分时段资料缺失)的地球静止卫星逐时多通道(红外1、红外2和水汽通道)数字云图资料给出了我国及周边地区暖季深对流云时空演变特征,并对比分析了相关文献中的雷暴日数分布及低轨卫星观测的闪电密度分布。本文以TBir1(红外1通道亮温)≤-52 ℃、TBir1-TBir2(红外2通道亮温)<3 K、TBir1-TBwv(水汽通道亮温)≤8 K来识别深对流云。分析结果表明:我国暖季有4个深对流云活跃区域,分别为青藏高原中东部、华南和云贵高原东北部、新疆伊犁河谷及周边区域、浙闽赣大部分区域;总体来看深对流云夏季(6—8月)最活跃,春季(3—5月)次之,秋季(9—10月)最不活跃;不同季节深对流云地理分布特征显著不同;不同季节、不同地区的深对流云日变化特征具有明显差异,秋季日变化最不显著;由于春季日落时间早于夏季,一般说来深对流云日变化主峰时段春季早于夏季;青藏高原中东部、两广丘陵与浙闽丘陵地区深对流云都为单峰型日变化;四川盆地深对流云具有显著的夜发性特征;江淮地区春夏季节深对流云日变化都为双峰型,这可能与该区域较多MαCS密切相关;青藏高原中东部热对流比较活跃;夏季两广丘陵、四川盆地和江淮地区不仅热对流活动频繁,其他天气系统(比如台风、梅雨锋等)触发和维持的对流活动也非常活跃。
Abstract:Based on the nearly twelve year hourly geostationary satellite multi channel (IR1,IR2 and water vapor channels) digital infrared image dataset, the distribution and spatiotemporal variations of deep convective clouds over China and its vicinity during the warm season (March-October) from 1996 to 2008 (lacking 2004 data, part data missing) are analyzed, and comparative analysis is conducted on the distribution of thunderstorm days and the density distribution of lightning obtained from low orbit satellites. In this paper, TBir1≤-52 ℃ (Infrared 1 channel brightness temperature), TBir1-TBir2<3 K (Infrared 2 channel brightness temperature), and TBir1-TBwv≤8 K (water vapor channel brightness temperature) are used to identify the deep convetive clouds. The results show that: There are four active regions of deep convective clouds during the warm season, i.e., the middle east of Qinghai Tibetan Plateau, South China and Northeast of Yunnan Guizhou Plateau, Xinjiang Ili River Valley and its surrounding area, and the most parts of Zhejiang Fujian Jiangxi regions; Overall, deep convective clouds over summer (June-August) are the most active; in spring (March-May) followed by; the autumn (September-October) are the least; The geographical distribution of deep convective clouds in different seasons is significantly different; The feature of diurnal variations of deep convective clouds has a significantly difference in different seasons and regions; Autumn diurnal variation is the least significant; As spring sunset time is earlier than the summer, in general, the diurnal variation of deep convective clouds in the spring is earlier than the summer peak hours; Deep convective clouds in the middle east of Qinghai Tibetan Plateau, Guangdong and Guangxi hills and the Zhejiang and Fujian hilly regions are of the single peak diurnal variation; At Sichuan Basin, the deep convective clouds often have nocturnal occurrence; In spring and summer, the diurnal variations of deep convective clouds are of bimodal type in Jianghuai region, which may be related to the region more closely related to MαCS; Thermal convections in the eastern part of Qinghai Tibetan Plateau are active; In Guangdong and Guangxi hills, Sichuan Basin, and Jianghuai region it is not only very active heat convection, but other weather systems (such as typhoons, Meiyu front, etc.) to trigger and maintain the convection are also very active in summer.
文章编号:     中图分类号:    文献标志码:
CHEN Guochun,ZHENG Yongguang,XIAO Tiangui,2011.Distribution and Spatiotemporal Variations of Deep Convective Clouds over China During the Warm Season[J].Meteor Mon,37(1):75-84.