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投稿时间:2009-07-20 修订日期:2009-11-10
投稿时间:2009-07-20 修订日期:2009-11-10
中文摘要: 利用兴义新一代多普勒天气雷达复合体扫资料及WSR 88D提供的风暴单体识别与跟踪(SCIT)算法对2007—2008年发生在贵州省黔西南地区的40次天气过程个例进行验证、分析,分别从单体识别、单体跟踪评估、单体位置预报、单体算法评估效果与季节关系分析、单体算法评估效果与距离关系分析、冰雹暴雨评估对比分析6个方面进行评估、分析。在充分考虑了当地地理环境、气候背景的前提下对算法评估不太理想的情况进行了误差分析,并进行了算法补偿,提出了解决的办法,一是降低识别阈值,将SCIT的7个反射率阈值降低一个等级,二是提取反射率因子垂直梯度,用上述两个改进方法对2007—2008年的40次天气过程重新进行评估,并与算法改进前的评估效果进行对比检验,结果表明,算法改进后评估效果有所提高。
中文关键词: 多普勒天气雷达, SCIT, 算法评估
Abstract:Using the Xingyi new generation of Doppler weather radar complex scan data and WSR 88D storm cell identification and tracking (SCIT) algorithm, the 40 weather courses
occurring in Southwest Guizhou Province in 2007 to 2008 were assessed and analyzed from the six aspects: cell identification, assessment of cell track, cell location
prediction, the relationship with the assessing effect, the relation with the assessing effect and the distance, and the comparative analysis between the hail weather and the heavy rainfall. Under the background of taking full account of local geography and climate, the unfavorable situation for algorithm assessment is made analysis and compensation and proposed solutions. First, to lower identification threshold, so that the 7 SCIT reflectivity thresholds are degraded by one level; Second, the vertical reflectivity gradient method is used. With the improved algorithm the weather cases occurring in 2007 and 2008 were re assessed and re analyzed, and the comparative results show that the improved algorithm enhances the effect to some extent.
keywords: Doppler weather radar, SCIT (storm cell identification and tracking), algorithm evaluation
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
基金项目:贵州省气象局青年科技基金项目“ 风暴单体识别与跟踪SCIT算法评估” 黔气科合QN[2009]10号资助
WANG Fen,LI Fuguang,ZHANG Hui,2010.Storm Cell Identification and Tracking Algorithm for Assessment of SCIT[J].Meteor Mon,36(12):128-133.
WANG Fen,LI Fuguang,ZHANG Hui,2010.Storm Cell Identification and Tracking Algorithm for Assessment of SCIT[J].Meteor Mon,36(12):128-133.